REJOICE! Jhebbal Sag stirs, awakened again by the blood to be spilt on his very doorstep.
The Sacred Hunt is on until April 1!
The post ...
Read moreBounty Hunting is now active until February 21!
Earlier this week we announced the return of the Khitai Bounty Hunters on February 4th; it looks like they took a wrong turn on the way to the Exiled Lands and Siptah, but they are now set up across the lands and open for their gruesome business. We apologize...
Read moreIt took a village to scare Yog!
Greetings, mortals! Yog has been on the edge of his tendrils looking over all the haunting entries you submitted for Yogt...
Read moreGain otherworldly insight as Eradicati0n sits down with Art Producer Kris Hammond and Lead Concept Artist Sven Bybee to discuss inspiration, process, and creation of the art and visuals of Conan Exiles: Age of Heroes Chapter 1.
Head over to Erad...
Greetings Exiles!
The wait is almost over! We’re excited to announce that the Age of Heroes ...
Read moreGreetings Exiles,
Conan Exiles would not be where it is today without years of valuable feedback. Surveys are a powerful tool for us to better understand...
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Read moreChapter 3 is reaching its conclusion soon, so today we wanted to go over some things the intrepid exile may want to keep stock of before Chapter 4 releases on April 2nd! That’s tomorrow! You’ll be facing Jhebbal Sag’s Chosen, clashing steel against new foes in Purges, spilling blood with Fatalities, and even progress your Battle Pass more...
Read moreGreetings Exiles,
With only a few days to go before Age of War – Chapter 4 digs its claws into you, we want to give you a deep dive into everything we’re bringing to the game. Last week, we covered the new Sacred Hunt Event...
Read moreGreetings Exiles,
If you defeated the Stygian Commander in the Siege of al-Merayah in Chapter 3, you may think the Age of War has come to a close. But in these lands, the beast of war never quite ceases to stir, and now, something old a...
Read morePhlngha Wgah’n tha orr’e, sorcerous ones! Your winners of the MYSTIC MASTERPIECES art contest have been cast, and competition was fierce. We bow to the mastery beheld by your arcane arts – and without further ado, behold what we beheld!
Greetings Exiles,
A new Age is upon us! Still reeling from the strife and chaos wrought by Sorcery, the Exiled Lands now face a new adversary looming over the horizon. Gather your courage and rally to our nex...
Read moreYog demands one thing. A beautifully horrible place to spend the Yogtober together with his favorite worshippers.