@pwrcord You are the source of the Dominion's nightmares.
@Chaos1091 Looking mean, Justin!
Those poor Dominion...
@xInfinite_1x Looking good, Shaun.
Another big shout-out to our community and their personalized javelins!
#MyJavelin Submit yours today:
@WhoopyaPS4 Tell your boss you have a fever, and the only prescription is more #AnthemGame!
@Supermatt042 Thanks, Matt! It's great to hear that you're enjoying #AnthemGame!
Which Javelin is your main?
@Cody19394220 No thanks necessary, Cody!
Now get out there and give those Dominion hell!
@MKShadowZX Shepard would be proud.
@JCRUZMUZ That's what we like to hear!
Which Javelin have you been dominating out there with?
@Canondork You don't sound too sure. Have you had a chance to check out each one yet?
@tranceseer That's awesome to hear!
So, which Javelin is your main?
@Fredpool_ A big Javelin needs a big gun!
@SonOfNumenor313 If we were the Dominion, we'd turn tail at the sight of this epic looking Javelin!
@ranchan1989 Freelancers gotta freelance.
@ato_victor That's one lucky Grabbit's foot you have there!
@GodKingMorf And you should, that's a slick looking Javelin!
@Chitonfya The forecast calls for pain!
@YolohtzinTV Time to rain some pain.
@ShadowCasGaming Now THAT is a sleek looking Interceptor!
@Cameron_M95 Stylin' and profilin'.