This is Anthem Part 2: Endgame. Freelancers, your story is just beginning. #AnthemGame
2.6 million strongholds completed. Are you ready to rise to the challenge? #AnthemGame February 22
What’s your main and why?
Good stuff. #MyJavelin
We hope you all enjoyed the small taste of what’s to come with #AnthemGame. Open Demo recap from the Head of Live Service, Chad Robertson.
Thank you for playing Anthem. The Open Demo is now closed. #AnthemGame launches worldwide February 22, 2019
So what is it? #AnthemGame
@JWNGeorge Prepare for battle, Freelancer.
It's not just the sky. BIG things are happening in the world.
Good luck, Freelancers.
Look up. #AnthemGame
Anyone in Freeplay seeing this?
What the...?
Something's happening...
@SeanFerrell8 Yes.
The Open Demo will be ending tonight at 6PM PT.
Play now and show off your javelin!#MyJavelin #AnthemGame
Majestic. #MyJavelin
Use the Target Beacon to mark an enemy and then charge in with the Spark Dash to finish it off. #AnthemGame
Cool it. #AnthemGame
Stunning shots. #AnthemGame