

31 Jul


Originally posted by fionnburk

Will you be able to party up with friends?

Yep - up to 3 other friends!


Originally posted by Fredrich48O

Who do you guys main in smash?

Villager :)


Originally posted by bigguy1027

Could we see the soundtrack being released? Possibly with the Collectors Edition?


Originally posted by ImpossibleVariety0

Can you make the final game a bit different. There should be more games until there are 5 people left who can then fight for the crown. With 15 people at the last game is not of a goosebump moment

Due to the varied nature of the rounds, there should hopefully be a different amount of people in the final round each time - I've seen it go down to a 1v1 a few times!


Originally posted by IntrinsicStar

Someone on discord said that the fall guy is a cake but then it was said on your twitter that it was a jelly bean. Is it both?

Also- Will you guys be adding more maps? And what are your favourite maps?

(It's a brilliant game btw!)

I like to imagine each Fall Guy is delicious in their own way :)

And yeah, we'll be adding more levels as we go! My current favs are FallBall and The Whirligig :D


Originally posted by ThatChrisFella

Any hints on what the new gametypes will be in the future? Even super vague?

Edit: ninja deleted reply 😥 I saw a lil bit of it as a phone notification, something along the lines of "we have some ideas for round where players..." and that's all I saw

Someone must have said too much

We have some ideas for rounds where players... [REDACTED]


Originally posted by notliam

Thanks for the response, can't wait to play on Tuesday(?) with my partner and good luck with the launch.

Thanks!! I hope you enjoy (on Tuesday indeed) :D


Originally posted by zappyhotboose

I have heard that your game breaks friendships. Is that true?

I would say the opposite - if your friendship is strong enough to withstand Fall Guys then you are truly soul buddies


Originally posted by Anorint

Are logs fruit?

Anything is a fruit if you roll it down a conveyor belt!


Originally posted by Nikuuta

Will there be new Maps coming after launch?



Originally posted by Creatures1504

How does it feel to get your game featured with the monthly games for PS+?

Pretty amazing! Also love the juxtaposition of tone with CoD alongside us :D


Originally posted by Goombolt

If you could've gone back to the start of development and given yourself advice, what would you tell your past selves?

"Don't leave your desk fan in the office before lockdown!"


Originally posted by notliam

2 Questions:

1) How has lockdown affected the dev leading up to release, if at all?

2) How much of this game is inspired by game shows like 50/50, Get Your Own Back, etc? 100%?

Lockdown has definitely made it harder to communicate between disciplines - issues that would have been solved in seconds in the studio become much more difficult when you have to organise calls and such, so we've had to adapt to that and ensure we're as clear as possible with our documentation to avoid unnecessary time waste!

Also, Get Your Own Back and 50/50 were my FAVOURITES as a kid :D we've watched them quite a lot for inspiration!


Originally posted by Mikeyboy888

If you put a “twirl” in an ice cream instead of a flake is it still a “99”?

Is it still a 99 if it costs more than 99p? Because I think those days are long gone :(

Play Fall Guys!


Originally posted by JDawn747

What has been the most difficult hurdle to overcome?

For me it's been designing rounds that are really fun for 60 players! We've tried a lot that just don't work at the maximum player count - for example, the first iteration of FallBall, the football round, was a full on 30v30 round, and meant that the majority of players would win or lose without ever having touched the ball. Ensuring that all players feel involved at this scale has been tricky but I'm really proud of the rounds we've got in there so far!


Originally posted by PhoenixKA

Who's the grabbiest fall guy? Pigeon or Wolf?

Definitely Wolf :@


Originally posted by themasterharold

In a hypothetical situation, that fall guys were our only food source left and humans had to eat them, how would they taste and how would the texture be?

Hypothetically, having not thought about it before, I think they would have a rubbery exterior that tastes like nothing, but the inside would be similar to a jelly baby and be so delicious that you wouldn't be able to stop at just one...
