@Valdain 👁👄👁
@DeshHere ⚔ 🙌
@RochaFrango 👀
@Meatloafmedia 🙌🙌🙌
@SticQeno 🙌 ⏰
@memattonline ✨ 👌
⚔ ✨ 👀
@Savazel_ Please feel free to create some awesome fan art if you would like! However, we are not implementing fan creations into the game at this point in time. Please stay on the lookout for future contests where this could happen! ❤
@OzijakTV @LexLovesTech 🦈 👀
@witzzer Yup, that sounds horrifying. 😱
@Corneli65473559 🐟 👀
@witzzer Would it be more spider-like or more sheep-like? 🤔
@PlayerVyro @_Leiloni @GpSark Or is it? 🤔
@Copium_Inhaler @_Leiloni @GpSark Interesting... 🤔💭
@SterniMoonx3 @_Leiloni @GpSark 🐔 🤔
@JamieKaos It will be unstoppable if we arm it anymore! 😱
@CritzBTW How could you not love this huggable creature? 🤗 🐌
@itzznotliv That sounds pretty awesome! 💪 🐦 💪
@GrappLrTwitch There goes our breakfast! 🤢
@gnomefighter3d That is impressive and petrifying at the same time! 😅