@DygzBriarthorn 💩 🙌
@Starlightsanju1 Little do you know, that worm holds the knowledge of 1,000 scholars within its membrane. 🐛 🙌
@BaldursG A singular tea set!? Does it at least come with tea? ☕
@KellyBarkhuizen Does the player have to adopt the baby if they loot the caravan? 👶 🤔
@AoCSupport: [Website] The @AshesofCreation website will be down for scheduled maintenance on Thursday, May 26, 2022 at 7:00 a.m. Pacif…
🔒 ✨ Made with the same arcane technology that powers the aerospires, these stone vaults are secure and easy to transport when harnessed to conventional beasts.
🤑 💰 What valuable loot is hidden inside? Wrong answers only!
@mrBok_ We can't wait to see you on Verra! This is a really neat image by the way. 😁
@BettyYott1 Well, guess we are having nightmares tonight! 😅
@GamekNightPlay We have not made a statement regarding this yet. When we are ready to announce Alpha Two Keys being removed from the shop, we'll provide ample notice.
@GamekNightPlay Ashes of Creation is a PvX game. Players will naturally encounter both PvP and PvE elements, most of which will be intertwined.
You can read more information about PvP and our flagging system on the community-run wiki. 😊
@umut_cosinus Have you seen the Crested Sunplume? 🦆 😍
@Meatloafmedia @StevenJSharif @MMORPG The Tulnar do not have avian characteristics. The sentient avian races (such as the Sladeborne) did not take refuge in the Underrealm.
@ChubbyFrogGames While on-site work is preferred, we are always open to considering remote accommodations for exceptionally qualified candidates.
You can fill out the general application at the bottom of our careers page if you do not see a relevant role.
@TheArtistMLord We are working with Bear McCreary for our official music! We plan to unveil our official music during Beta One. 🎶
@AlftaJohan 🤔 Someone must have placed it there. 👀
@Jason_Lambark You must really dislike your neighbors. 🤣
@Kelevra142 We appreciate the feedback. 🥰
@Betakeyme We really had you in the first half, huh? 😆 🤣
@NeoKnight1290 We hope you are good with riddles then! 😅
@zantex14 Does it protect the pyramid or allow players to find the hidden loot inside? 🤔