@RichardWByers On the other hand, maybe it's best to talk to the God of Truth instead... 😅
@ZenleeK Sure! Just not in this poll. 😝
@RichardWByers Maybe by praying to the Goddess of Fate you are able to learn what you are to become?
@TAW_Odoq That's my favorite god as well! 😉
@DrunkyMonken Your choices have consequences! 🌩
Which god do we pray to? #SoLongSanctus
Surprised by your temptation to add the village’s profits to your pockets, you feel disconcerted by the notions of chaos and destruction that are pervading your thoughts. Perhaps a divine appeal could clear your conscience.
Which god do we pray to? (vote ⬇) #SoLongSanctus
@NipsSupple @Osully8698 @ItsCsteph @Osully8698 is correct. Our existing backers can purchase the individual cosmetic items as add-ons each month! In order to see these items, first log into your Intrepid account, and then visit the shop here:
@NipsSupple @Osully8698 @ItsCsteph @Osully8698 Is correct. Depending on the type of pre-order package you have purchased, you should have the ability to purchase items from new sets as add-ons here:
@MagnaCarp 🤔 There is something a little suspicious about that cactus...
@WizardsUntie Ah, the classic cardboard box. Definitely the most versatile camouflage of all! 📦
@ImperviumGG Frodo uses elven cloak to blend in - It's super effective!
@WarhietG That is peak camo right there! 😹
@bandit_boogie The Muscarian Marshals are a cosmetic skin that are included in the Voyager Plus Pre-order Package! More information about this cosmetic set can be found here:
@7800Quin Perhaps it is best for you to hold onto this spear since it is sentimental to you. Maybe we could receive some of those alchemy recipes instead?
@mountain_boomer All posted positions are on-site only at this time.
@ZombieDraxx 🤔💭 Hmmm could there be any sort of meaning behind this? 😋
@Belzie_Gaming Currently, loot drops are based upon the level of corruption that the player has. The more corruption the player has acquired, the higher the chance that they will drop their carried/equipped items.
🍄 This unorthodox panoply is adopted by a band of mercenaries who frequent the mushroom forests. Cloaking themselves in the flora of their surroundings, they are able to stay hidden from threats.
🤔 What are some other camouflages that only work in their intended environment?