@Salpygidis We can't choose 😂 You got a killer combo though! 🔥
@Haff___ The weapon is an interesting addition! lol The mount and armor set match 😅
@nardrosis That all looks great! A nice rogue look to it 👌
@GodStevoo It all goes together, looks pretty cool! Hope you're not afraid of heights 😅
@Nightangel007 That armor is so awesome!
@faeluna_ Yes to all of this, but especially that mount! Gorgeous! 😻
@EverySoOrphan It's never too late! 😉
@OwenPar97038303 Whoa, that mount is neato! Definitely like the vibe of the armor and weapon!
@Caynidar It looks great! 😍
@NekronVS Awesome! Your armor is so shiny!
@Denizns35364233 We like all of this! That mount is super cool!
@SkymasterG YES!! We can't wait to share more of our classes in the future 😍
@savy1813 Dat mount 😻
@Tartarus_King Love it!!
@LwlessJane Dang, that armor is fantastic! ♥
@KatarinaAshwell Nice weapons you've got there! 😻
@BoncleEpc Yeah, it is totally awesome! 😻
@Shinaso21 Awesome set - that mount is adorable!
@Discolips Oh, a fancy whip! 😂