@Drianbrunk @Luxurious_Lotus @crobertson_atx @GambleMike
@SyNdaProphet @GambleMike @BioMarkDarrah The super bowl isn’t really a surprise. We don’t even run it or have anything to do with it. That’s what you mean, yeah?
@GambleMike @thaddeusPrime @bioware @anthemgame @Darokaz @UNTDrew
@GambleMike @thaddeusPrime @bioware @anthemgame @Darokaz @UNTDrew What is happening right now... AI is ai but in caps
@GambleMike @thaddeusPrime @bioware @anthemgame @Darokaz @UNTDrew Anthem... Insider... AI... just... like... their... logo...
@Shinigami24619 @sta_fortis It’s the same but it’s open mic only
@sta_fortis Yes
@Luxurious_Lotus @crobertson_atx @GambleMike Not sure what you are talking about
Yes. Turn it on. Talk. :)
@7imberWolf @Bio_Warner @BioMarkDarrah Or... you can stand in the circle and shoot them as they get to the top. It’s a trade off.
So cool!!
@thaddeusPrime @bioware @anthemgame @Darokaz @UNTDrew @GambleMike Congrats to AI!!
@AnthemInsider Congrats!
@TedyhereMC: Gorgeous skybox in this game... much love
@anthemgame @GambleMike @BenIrvo
Very cool. Haha.
This is a good source of information for people who are having issues
@BenIrvo: Anthem: Update on Alliance System and Guilds https://www.reddit.com/r/AnthemTheGame/comments/am7wx2/update_on_alliance_system_and_guilds/?st=JRMNTBAX&sh=72bfc1e6
@Anthemuniverse: @BenIrvo Just leaving this here if of interest to the Freelancers:
@Aokek89 @Pryor_Richard It shows people in your group. So if you invite your freeplay friends to your group, then yes
That is correct