I like what @Darokaz and @nighguy said. Put them up a day early if we can :)
@DROIDTASTIC4 You saw the part where it’s my brothers wedding and not mine, yeah? He planned it. I go. He is my brother...
@Nichola58560836 Not on twitter ;p
@patj1994 Awww. That’s not very nice.
@Alem_Ant We took a LOT of luggage. So probably many many koalas.
@Lupo2theRescue @Darokaz @nighguy They were awesome!
We are looking at ways to improve communication with your party. No updates beyond what we have already said
@TheRealCh3z @GambleMike @EAHelp @bioware We are looking into this. No promises
@demauriab Best of contacting EA support. They put lots of issues together and send them to us. The more detail the better.
@SirFrozt It helps heat management! It shouldn’t be on all the time...
@RafaLanzas Thank you
@JacobyStonecyp2 @BioMarkDarrah @GambleMike @Darokaz I don’t think so, also just got back so not sure. Why am I responding. :)
@laks80018 @anthemgame @Anthemuniverse @crobertson_atx @GambleMike @BioMarkDarrah @AnthemGameplay Maybe you just keep missing them ;p
Nothing to new to share on this
@GadgetSock Haha, it IS fine
@OptimistiCaniac Every now and then, the stars align
@Jag3Dagster I know right!
Excited to be back in Austin after my Brothers wedding. It was a great break but I am excited to get back to all things Anthem. #timetogettowork
@Darokaz: This is a really good read from Casey that shows our commitment to #AnthemGame I am very excited about where we're going and a…