

26 Sep


Originally posted by Motomadness708

The issue says its only for people with ea access active but i have the bug with no ea access

Would it be possible to share your gamer tag and make a video with your phone when it happens? Maybe you had ea access previously? It would be very helpful. Thank you.


Sorry about this issue :/ We have added it to our Trello board and are currently working on a hot fix. Unfortunately, there is not enough time left this week to fix it. We will update the Trello board again with more info when we are able. Thanks for the ping!


25 Sep


Originally posted by RitziLauda

I went over half a year without experiencing it and then had a round where it happened three times.

Yeah it’s a strange one.


Originally posted by qlimaxmito

Fixed a rare issue that would make some vehicles to suddenly disappear.

Disappear as in despawn or as in turn invisible?


AFAIK it’s the bug where you are driving and suddenly you end up on foot, then when you look back to see where the vehicle is, it’s gone. It was kinda rare, I’d say if you play Battlefield V everyday you would run into it maybe 1-2 times a week.


Originally posted by JollyJustice

It’s actually 7 pages in word. And that’s including the into and ending.

Maybe you are using a smaller font? There are many factors. The page numbers is based upon what I use as default. If it’s really important I can write the font size and font name the next time I announce that patch notes have been completed.


Originally posted by dkb_wow

I see now. Thanks for responding. Now if only you guys would respond that quick to actual questions and concerns about the game. Speaking of, 10 months ago we were promised that the team was working on team number balancing as its top priority. Since I have your attention, what ever happened with that? I bet you won't respond. Surprise me, please.

I can only speak on topics that I am responsible for, which is patch notes and working with the team to address bugs. I do understand your frustration thought but do know that we are doing the best we can.


Originally posted by dkb_wow

Then why even praise how long the patch notes are in the first place? You know how saying shit like that gets people overly excited when we're constantly starved for information. It's just like the whole "we're delivering Operation Underground in 4.6 in September!" thing when it's actually "We're delivering the Operation Underground FILES but you can't play til next month". I'm nitpicking because I'm f**king frustrated dude. Everyone is.

It’s not praise. I always mention how long the patch notes are on Twitter once they are completed. The people that have been following there know that patch notes recently have been around 4-5 pages, so this one is quite big compared to many previous ones.


Originally posted by des0xyn

" Did you know that Peanutbutter and pickled cucumber sandwiches is an actual thing?! " I see you Mr. @JaqubAjmal



Originally posted by dkb_wow

What happened to the "8 or 9 pages" of patch notes:


Edit: I think it's hilarious the Dice dude decided to respond to THIS comment of all things, just to defend his Twitter post, and leaves all the real questions hanging. Hasn't responded to anything in 5 months, but my shitpost seems worthy of a reply. Downvote me to the shadow realm though.

Nothing happened to it. It is 8-9 pages in word. We don’t use Reddit to create the documents.

04 Apr


Originally posted by mjaul


Thanks so much for the reply.

RX480 8GB Driver set: 19.4.1.

I had the previous 19.3.2 drivers installed when I applied the new Battlefield update and it wasn't working. This led me to clean install the 19.4.1 set. (That subsequently also didn't work.)

Thank you. I will forward this to our QA team to see if we can reproduce it.



I just tried this on a 419.67 Nvidia drivers with GTX 1080 and I could not get the issue.

Can you let us know what drivers and GPU you are using please?

14 Feb


Originally posted by [deleted]

Are you satisfied with the community response to chapter 2? If not, do you plan to change your approach towards Tides of War?

I think you need to tell us what you want going forward. We hear good and bad things all the time, it’s unfortunately not possible to please everyone but overall we see that many are playing Tides of War and many even stick around in those modes after the weekly event has ended which is great!


Originally posted by madmav

Will there be matchmaking for Combined Arms or are there complications? + Will Moon Shot bonus assignment be back?

Otherwise, all happy with the latest gameplay changes and improvements! Game's getting sturdier and more enjoyable by the week!

Also props for all the recent communication to /u/Braddock512 and /u/F8RGE , putting in crazy hours (despite being on other sides of the world, feels like yer cramming in 12 hour days) which can't be easy at times.

The moon shot node was disabled because we have a bug with rocket launchers not being one hit kills against planes. Instead of annoying our players with this node we decided to disable it as we work on fixing the bug with the launchers. It was an optional node anyway and does not cause any problems with the progression. Sorry about the issue but we felt that this was the best solution for now.

31 Jan


Originally posted by Yarnball-REEE

When you’re low on health, there is a ping around the medkit next to your health bar

While I cannot promise anything, I did see our UI Programmer tweet that she was looking into it.


Originally posted by AnakinHellwalker

Do you have any idea why is matchmaking taking so much time? Right now (12:30 CET) it took me and my friend over 18 minutes to get a match of Breakthrough. I know it's not exactly prime time, but it's first day of new challenges and there are loads of full servers in server browser and I will get a game in seconds while joining solo. Is there lack of players or servers? Is there any hidden MM that is trying to find us worthy opponents?

Matchmaking can take time if there are not enough player in your region currently trying to matchmake at the same time as you, with the same mode. But if you live in Europe or North America it should be pretty fast as there are many players playing.


Originally posted by Baail

Are You aware of infinite loading screen bug that occurs when loading from one operation day to the next? If yes when can we expect fix for that?

We are aware that some players are running into this issue, and we are working hard to resolve it as soon as possible. But we do not have a fix yet, so I am unable to give you any dates, but I hope as soon as possible.


Originally posted by SneakyB45tard

Can we expect further bugfixes and balance changes in this chapter? F.e: tank splashdamage is still useless, like most airplanes if its about air to ground

As with all Battlefield games we will keep tweaking this. :) Keep telling us that you like and don't like.


Originally posted by Curious_Crocodile

Would you consider remakes of classic Battlefield maps for BF V?

I have two suggestions:

Operation Metro 1944 (Think of the popularity of Metro only servers)

Strike at Karkand 1942 (IMO the best BF map of all time)

I obviously can't answer this:) But tell us what you want to see.


Originally posted by xstreetsharkx

There's a bug on PS4 that when you put the console on sleep mode and return, you cannot reconnect to the EA servers. You have to close the game and relaunch.

Ok, we will ask our LIVE QA team to see if they can reproduce this issue.