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They're are identical, except for the premium status, Black Cat decals, and the Black Cat doesn't have a muzzle brake.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by DeAdMaNwAlKiNg: yes and then my game stops loading, thank you very much

Originally posted by anita max wynn: ive been waiting for like 15 minutes+ and it still stuck on updating, thank you

Originally posted by wzh110919...
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    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi! We started phasing BattlEye in last last year for the regular client and today we're starting to phase it in for Steam.

15 Jan

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, thanks for letting us know. Please submit all bug reports on our bug reporting platform, so that we can take a look. Thank you.

14 Jan

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Canadian Guitar:
Originally posted by magazine2:
We are currently working on a global search bar for the new Wiki.
Launching a wiki without a search bar is baffling, truly.

For it to take time to work on is even crazier.

There are still search bars on vehicle type pages like the aviation page that work better than the old Wiki. For example if you type Spitfire it will give you a list of all Spitfires in the game in a table with other usefu... Read more
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by rpsgc: It doesn't even have a search bar! Utter rubbish.

We are currently working on a global search bar for the new Wiki.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys, thanks for your concerns. The new Wiki is not perfect at the moment but we we're working to improve it. New user content will be added when articles from players are made. For example a player has made a new article for the TB-3M-17-32 which includes pros and cons:

As Bucher said above, the old one had a lot of outdated and incorrect information, which is why it's not included on the new one.

If you would like to visit the old wiki you can, everything is there, it's just not being updated: ... Read more

13 Jan

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi! This plane has default countermeasures that block the chute from opening, but it's not possible to unequip them to open the chute. This is a bug that has been reported to us, we're aware and will take a look at fixing it.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Lucas Stocki: Could the E100 ever be available in SL boxes? I'm collecting SL's with the hope that one day I'll have a small chance of acquiring it, if the answer is NO, I'll spend my SL's to get rare tanks like the IS7, AMX50 SURBLINDÉ

Hey! I can't give a "for sure" answer (as anything can change in the future), but the highly likely answer is no. The E-100 is reserved for tournaments and only given to 1st place winners.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Keep an eye on the news.

10 Jan

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, some decals from the Snow Globe activate directly onto your account, and some as coupons. Did you restart your game and recheck? If you know the name of the decal you got, you can search it in the decal customization menu.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Skoppter: Do you guys make every vehicle in your lineup the same rank or have a rank range you work within? For instance, is everything 4.7 in your lineup, or is it 4.7-5 or even larger like 4-5?

I keep everything in my lineup the same Battle Rating or slightly (0.3) below. It isn't advised to, for example, put only one 5.7 vehicle in your lineup and then have the rest being 4.0.

The rank of a vehicle in a lineup only matters depending on what vehicle you're researching. For example, if you're researching a vehicle in rank III using a majority rank II lineup, but have a rank I vehicle also, the research efficiency with this rank I vehicle will be poor.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Hagmire: I suggested to a friend to buy the plane because it was a good grinder & I made 11million SL with but it's not showing up for him, what's the deal I can't find any reason why it was taken off?

Hi, yes we removed it from sale in September to optimize available premiums:

It might return in the future in some kind of mini event dedicated to the aircraft (first flight for example).
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi! Please keep an eye on our website as we'll post any updates regarding the Roadmap on there.

09 Jan

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Originally posted by firebat47: Wagers and orders are the worst part when it comes to consumables. No one uses them

We won't be removing them, although recycling inventory items into other items is part of the Roadmap and still planned to come.

Do you have any ideas on ways to improve wagers and orders?

08 Jan

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Max you can carry in a custom loadout is 4.

07 Jan

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, do you mean in-game decals? We're always adding decals to the game, so perhaps some that you're interested in will pop up.

05 Jan

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, we're still in the transition period from EAC to BattlEye — and at the moment, launching the game through Steam uses EAC.