Is Factorio going to be on sale next Steam sale?
No, we don't plan to participate in any sales any time soon.
Announcement of no-sale policy originally posted by kovarex in Factorio Friday Facts #140[]
No, we don't plan to participate in any sales any time soon.
Announcement of no-sale policy originally posted by kovarex in Factorio Friday Facts #140[]
We state it on our steam page, but people are still asking about it so I want to state it officially. We don't plan any Factorio sale. I'm aware, that the sale can make a lot of money in a short period of time, but I believe that it is not worth it in the long run, and since we are not in financial pressure we can afford to think in the long run. We don't like sales for the same reason we don't like the 9.99 prices. We want to be honest with our customers. When it costs ...Read more