I've really been enjoying watching Unturned 2 take shape over the course of all the development logs we've had since it was first revealed a little over 3 years ago, stuff recently seems like it has slowed down more though that's understandable partially due to the holidays and Covid, there are other things that require immediate attention from a one-man team.
I'm going to begin this rundown with my most immediate and pressing thought for Nelson or another member of SDG should they happen to come across this post to relay it to Nelson: the community tends to be incredibly lenient about how you develop the game, I've seen multiple times people still using the same excuse of "Oh well that would be too hard for Nelson to do by himself!" which honestly makes me angry because they underestimate your talent as a developer. People encourage others to be patient with devlogs, which I understand, developing a game takes time.
Right now, after reading the january update my immediate thought is "why is all of this effort being put into a weather system or AI bandits when there is no hunger or a fleshed out health system yet?"
Potentially there is some chain of events that I'm missing that needs to be done first before these things can be added, maybe Nelson wants to get a solid map done before he adds the ability to play on said map, or maybe he wants to do the most complex AI first so that simpler AI features like zombies will already have a good base laid out when the bandits are done. I would understand all these things, but if that's really how it is then I think the community would appreciate it being clarified. As it stands now we've barely seen any development on the actual survival side of what I'd assume is going to be a survival game.
I do appreciate the work that's being done, obviously. The AI bandits are really neat, I'm excited to see how the drones play out in survival, and the more in-depth weather system I'm sure will have a huge impact on the survival gameplay once it's in, but the complete silence we've had on the core features is something that doesn't sit right at all with me. I think I speak for a good chunk of the community when I say that we'd like to see what the plans are for things like hunger, thirst, building mechanics, etc. As it stands, even on the Trello these things haven't seen any updates since May 19th 2018, almost 3 years ago.
That's another issue, the Trello is horribly outdated. Still even refers to the game as "U4" (Unturned 4.0) rather than Unturned 2 in some parts like the discord rich presence panel
Thank you to Nelson and everyone else helping with smartlydressedgames and on the forums, I'm excited to see where this game goes and, again, we as a community do appreciate all your hard work.
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