Thanks for your support back in the day, happy to hear you otherwise enjoyed the game!
For the desktop icon the only thing that comes to mind is if the shortcut got copied elsewhere somehow.
For what it's worth, I took a look through the codebase for places that write images to disk. It's possible something was wrong or different in the past, but at least in the current version I believe the only images written would be:
- Screenshots saved into the install folder Screenshots subfolder. Note: Steam has an optional "Save an external copy of my screenshots" option which defaults to your Documents folder.
- Level editor tools to render the "chart" and "satellite" views into the per-level folder.
- Tools for modders to export icons into the install folder Extras subfolder.
If anyone else comes across this in the future and has run into a similar issue / believes some files are being written where they shouldn't, please feel free to get in...
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