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On Google for me it's a little confusing and I can't find attachments

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5 months ago - /u/MoltonMontro - Direct link

Here's all of the commands: https://unturned.wiki.gg/wiki/Console_commands

You can spawn items and vehicles with the /give and /vehicle commands, respectively.

These can be spawned based on the item's display name, filename, ID, or GUID.

For example, you could use /give Eaglefire or /give 4 to spawn the Eaglefire gun.

If you're on the official wiki (which I've linked), most item pages will mention the ID, GUID, and/or filename in addition to the item's display name. A lot of sites will show you lists of IDs on a single page too, but just typing the item's name will probably be fine if you don't have tons of mods installed.

If you do have lots of mods installed, you'll likely need to use IDs or GUIDs to spawn the correct item.