over 3 years ago - /u/MoltonMontro - Direct link

Trees won't regrow if built on, unless the server owners toggle otherwise.

over 3 years ago - /u/MoltonMontro - Direct link

Originally posted by Aussie_Timtam

How do I toggle it off? Cause Iā€™m the owner

Set Items_Obstruct_Tree_Respawns to false in your Config.json, for the difficulty your map is set on (e.g., under the Normal difficulty settings section).

Having it set to true will let players obstruct trees to keep them from regrowing. This isn't exactly what you're asking for, but being able to remove the actual tree stumps is not planned for U3. As someone else commented, players can harvest tree stumps in Unturned II.

over 3 years ago - /u/MoltonMontro - Direct link

Originally posted by Birigami

Im kinda late to this post but i just recently started playing again. Is unterned II a thing? After a quick search it is or it was a project for a sequel But unturned is still being updated so i thought it was cancelled

The pinned post on this subreddit relevant.

tl;dr: Unturned II is a sequel to Unturned, and is not cancelled. Both games will (and are) continuing to receive updates monthly(-ish). Unturned II's development can be followed either in-game (for those who have access) or from the official SDG Blog.

The next Unturned II update, when released, will include a handful of new features to the private beta. We're hoping that it'll have the in-game player list, one-handed/two-handed punching, and a basic clothing slot limits (like in earlier devlogs, although not likely to be fully fleshed out in UI yet). There's some other features that will hopefully make it in, and a handful of minor features that have already been completed but aren't mentioned above.