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Hello there, I got some problems with mixed assets setup. I'm truing to create an unturnov server with crafting blacklist and modified skill tab (for example upgraded exercise to lvl 3 from the start) which will be closed for a players on the server. The problem is that I can only make blacklist OR skills, I can't make both in a one asset file. Somebody has a solution for this problem?

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over 3 years ago - /u/MoltonMontro - Direct link

You can do both in the same file. Both are their own, separate arrays.

over 3 years ago - /u/MoltonMontro - Direct link

I think you've misunderstood how to set up the files. Link to the LevelAsset.asset from your Config.json, and then link to CraftingBlacklistAsset.asset from your LevelAsset.asset.

Here are three code blocks, as examples for your three files:


        "GUID": "0d05249e95ee4385874f2482d33192af"


    "GUID" "0d05249e95ee4385874f2482d33192af" 
    "Type" "SDG.Unturned.LevelAsset, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"
            "Id" "Sharpshooter"
            "Default_Level" "0"
            "Max_Unlockable_Level" "0"
            "GUID" "c0d3f2a6-860b-45e0-be8e-333593ada2d5"


    "GUID" "c0d3f2a6-860b-45e0-be8e-333593ada2d5"
    "Type" "SDG.Unturned.CraftingBlacklistAsset, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"
            "NoteToSelf" "eaglefire"
            "GUID" "b03d581a5c1a490f995f8deba57b0f17"
about 3 years ago - /u/MoltonMontro - Direct link

Originally posted by Rozkurczozaur

Where should I create file LevelAsset.asset ?

In your Bundles folder. For example, ...\Bundles\Assets\Levels\PEI.asset