To expand on this: The request for easier server hosting would technically be implemented as "listen server hosting". In that mode your client would run as both the client and server simultaneously and your friends could join without the separate dedicated server software.
That's how multiplayer worked in 2.0. There is a host player in the world and everyone joins them. This approach isn't without downsides, however, and so dedicated server support was one of the absolute top priorities with 3.0. I over-corrected though and didn't factor in listen server hosting as being an important feature.
Singleplayer sort of runs as a listen server. It's running both the client and server code simultaneously. Unfortunately, it's not as easy as just enabling joining singleplayer to make listen server hosting work at this point. Lots of code the has been written with only dedicated servers and singleplayer in mind, and would function unexpectedly on listen servers.
It wouldn't be impossible to add listen server support, but it would be a big undertaking, i.e., multiple months at least to ensure everything is working properly. I expect it would also lead to dedicated server improvements, too. For this survey I know that gameplay improvements have been some of the top requests, but perhaps in a future year it could be an option.
In the meantime I have made a lot of improvements to make dedicated server hosting for Unturned a lot more streamlined!