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I just finished Buak after taking a long break from Unturned and loved it. Are there any other maps that have a similar level of Easter eggs and stort?

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5 months ago - /u/SDGNelson - Direct link

Happy to hear you enjoyed the Buak quests! :)

Have you played the Elver final questline? It's pretty wild.

5 months ago - /u/SDGNelson - Direct link

Originally posted by SSSteakyyy

Nope but of course I’ve got to try it now thanks so much for creating such an amazing game I started playing back in the dead zone and unturned 2.0 days and I just always come back

Thanks for your kind words and your longtime support - all the way back to Deadzone! :O

I'm honored that it's something you've enjoyed coming back to over so many years, and I hope to make the future of the game/series worthy of this support!