It’s been a while! Showcasing a custom animation rig, the latest updates to the official modding documentation, community-made artwork, and more!
Unturned Survey Recap
To start this year off, we collected feedback regarding what you wanted to see from Unturned! This survey ended a few weeks ago, but we plan to use these responses to help guide development throughout 2024.
Development on the next major update (vehicle improvements!) is already underway. In the meanwhile: we’ve shared the survey results so that you can see what other players are interested, as well as some of our own thoughts.
Buak Map Updates
Following up the many additions and changes to Buak last year, 2024 is starting off with even more updates!
For instance, the bulletproof vehicles are now “reinforced vehicles“—melee weapons and regular ammo can now damage these vehicles, making them far easier to deal with. Many loot tables were rebalanced to make various items more reliable to obtain, such as gas masks from fire stations and brochures from civilian zombies or vehicles. The Blueprint Library was also rebalanced, guaranteeing a gun blueprint while everything else like buildables and attachments were moved to the Blueprint Book.
Finally, some heavily-requested features: Glass Shards can now be stacked and placed down, the Paracord can also be placed down, and much more!
—Toothy Deerryte
“Advanced Unturned Player Rig”, by Der Ente

While there are many facets to modding, animation is an often underlooked aspect. We already provide many of the vanilla animations to modders, but some take it upon themselves to create entirely new animations.
Although this can be done with the vanilla character rig, Der Ente has created a custom rig – the Advanced Unturned Player Rig or “AUPR” – as an alternative with inverse kinematics to simplify the animation process.
When asked why they created AUPR, they explained:
To quote Nelson: “Unturned’s character rig is terrible – so using existing animations is recommended for your sanity.” [1]
This is one of the reasons why AUPR exists in the first place; the default Unturned rig sucks. So I made the rig to solve *some* problems with the creation process of Unturned animations. Even though it’s still not perfect and some parts require Nelson to just add in extra bones—an example being a central item hook that is not parented to anything in particular, but can still be constrained to the hand via bone constraints. I would love to do this with the current rig, but unfortunately that requires Nelson to actually add in bones to the already-existing rig. Space switching is a bit clunky at times and gives your character shaky hands.
But still, I am glad that there are people out there using it, trying to improve the animation game for Unturned.
—Der Ente
They’ve also created various animations that can be found on YouTube or Twitter, and they have several mods available from their Workshop page.
LVRCup Racing Season 11
After many thrilling twists and turns, it’s a close competition as the finale for the community-held LVRCup is just around the corner.
Buckle up and tune in on March 3rd @ 12:45 p.m. (CT) as its broadcasted live by the event’s host – Lucky Gamer LVR.
Artwork Showcase

Modding Documentation
Over the past few months, we’ve continued to expand our official modding and server documentation to include more assets, explanations, up-to-date information. We’re also starting to include guides for setting up your custom items in Unity as well!

Here’s some of the highlights:
- Creating guns in Unity (including optional features)!
- Properties for objects, including interactability and randomized materials.
- Properties for resources such as trees, boulders, or berry bushes.
- Updating older documentation to sort properties into tables.
- Hosting servers with Server Codes and Fake IP!
There’s also a lot of new options available to modders, such as having your custom clothing prevent fall damage!
Answering Your Questions…
Q: Will more updates be released in the middle of the week?
“I believe the sentiment is that although Friday updates are a longstanding tradition for Unturned, a more responsible choice would be to only release updates mid-week.”—Nelson Sexton
Q: Would you do more vehicle skins like the APC?
“There aren’t yet any concrete plans for this, but it might happen if there’s a particularly fun reason to.”—Nelson Sexton
Q: What inspired the Lurkers on Buak?
“It’s hard to actually remember, though most likely the work of Liam Vickers.”—Toothy Deerryte
Q: Why don’t electric zombies drain car batteries?
“That’s an interesting idea. It would be fun to potentially add more interactions between zombies and the environment!”—Nelson Sexton
Q. Why are most custom mesh weapon skins released with curated maps?
“Mesh overrides were never added to the skin submission tool, so they’ve required manual setup. Items for the curated maps involve a lot of manual setup anyway, so it’s not a big deal to also set up some custom mesh skins.”—Nelson Sexton
Send Us Your Questions!
Thanks for reading!
If you’d like to submit questions about Unturned or Smartly Dressed Games, you can reach me through Twitter @MoltonMontro or via email. We also check our various official community forums!