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I pretty sure this is Nelson’s cat, but correct me if I’m wrong, this was found in ship wreck in Yukon

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about 1 year ago - /u/SDGNelson - Direct link

You're right - that was my cat, Jasper! He had the role of Chief Bug Hunter at SDG. Sadly, he passed away early this past Summer, so I added these pictures as an easter egg memorial of him in all of the official maps.

about 1 year ago - /u/SDGNelson - Direct link

Originally posted by TavishGroot

I am so sorry to hear this, how did he pass away? I hope from natural cause and not from someone else's hands🥺

Yes, natural causes. I don't recall the exact explanation but it was along the lines that cats can catch Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) as kittens and have it lie dormant their whole lives before it randomly mutates. His condition deteriorated very quickly. Fortunately, he had a long happy life, and we were able to put him to sleep at home calmly and peacefully.

about 1 year ago - /u/SDGNelson - Direct link

Originally posted by FactorRare4104

where is he located in germany?

I don't recall off the top of my head, but I suppose it's something to go looking for! That being said, it might be somewhere inaccessible.

about 1 year ago - /u/SDGNelson - Direct link

Originally posted by Electronic-Tower6222

You're cat was beautiful ❤️ i really like all the details you work on the game, it's awesome how detailed you are in terms of working on unturned, the Easter eggs, missions and all are awesome, but this can be the unique opportunity I have to contact you, i wonder you read this, the game you made is awesome is one of the best survival games right now it's balanced on pvp and PvE, has one of the best construction system, nice graphics and insane maps, but i can't evade that like others survivals, the optimization of the game is not good enough, I hope you can work on it, that would be really insane and can become the game the best survival so far

Thanks for your kind words! There is definitely room for performance improvement. The previous update that was heavily performance focused was the level atlassing update last year. The majority of the performance cost right now is on the CPU in rendering, unfortunately, which is difficult to make further big improvements to. This is part of why even with a highend GPU the FPS could be around 60 - it's CPU bottlenecked. If future Unity updates further parallelize rendering we would see a huge improvement. This is also why maps like PEI are so much faster, there's just a lot less stuff to draw compared to newer super-detailed maps.