about 3 years ago - nodehappy - Direct link
Numbers dropping like this are expected and normal. I may be a moderator, but I also work in the video game industry. Everything will be fine.
about 3 years ago - nodehappy - Direct link
It was said in another thread, but I will say it here too. Constructive criticism is healthy and ultimately benefits everybody in developing this game. Everyone has the right to disagree with mechanics, changes to the game, etc. Many folks have inspirational ideas about how the game should be managed or even Iron Gate's business, for that matter. Constructive criticism is essential, that is how great games are made, and that is how this game will better take shape within the scope of the big picture. All perspectives need to be heard, even if difficult to hear. Arguments, however, are not essential in how great games are made. Heated debates are also conducive to locked threads. Let us be civil and have a healthy conversation without trying to change the minds of others or forcing perspectives. It is entirely possible, and if it isn't, then the thread must be locked, and we all go our separate ways.