almost 2 years ago - Munin - Direct link
Feel free to post your suggestions over in our Suggestions & Ideas subforum! Bosses will probably get tweaked here and there over time, but I don't think there are major changes planned.
almost 2 years ago - Munin - Direct link
Originally posted by i have 2023 vision fear me: In regards of the suggestions and ideas subforum, do the developers check it much, and if they do, how often / likely is it that they take a suggestion into consideration?
Popular suggestions get forwarded by us (Steam Moderation Team) directly to the devs. Mostly suggestions that appear over and over again (we then often create Megathreads, see "Popular Community Suggestions"). This doesn't mean these threads need to have 100 or more replies to be considered popular; For example, the Steam Workshop gets suggested quite a lot, mostly single threads with almost 0 replies. Since we merge them with the Megathread, we can easily see that there is a big demand and therefore the suggestion is popular, despite customers not having a huge discussion about it. I hope that gives a little insight!