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Transcript (by Youtube)

0s Josefin: Welcome back to our Walk & Talks. I’m Josefin and I’m here with my colleagues Robin–
4s Robin: Hello Josefin: –and Jonathan–
6s Jonathan: Hello again Josefin: –to have a little chat about Valheim and Ashlands development.
10s This is part two of this series, so if you haven’t watched the first video already you can go ahead and do that first.
15s But now, let’s get to it. I wanna talk a little bit about what we have shown off so far;
21s we’ve shown some creatures and some parts of the environment, so how did they all come into being?
27s Robin: Which ones? What are we talking about exactly?
30s Josefin: What– Of the creatures that we have shown, do you have a favourite?
35s Robin: Yes. But I want Jonathan to– Talk about your favourite, Jonathan! What is your favourite?
40s Jonathan: [laughs] My favourite, I haven’t even considered that yet… I don’t know, I kinda like trash mobs? [laughs]
49s So I think the twitchers are quite fun. They are like on the brink of annoying, but you can still kill enough
58s of them to– Yeah, to make them not so annoying after a little while. So, yeah.
65s Josefin: [laughs] So, how did the twitchers come into being then? Why did we put those in the game?
70s Robin: We… From the start, the charred melee units and archers – or marksmen – they were random spawns
80s throughout Ashlands, and it just kinda felt a little bit weird that you were going up against them,
86s and then when you go up against the Fortress Time – or the fortress, we call it Fortress Time, but –
94s it felt weird that you were meeting them again, going up against them again. So we felt like we needed something,
100s some kind of trash mob, a greydwarf– We needed a greydwarf in Ashlands.
107s Josefin: Again, what would the Black Forest do? Robin: Yes
109s Josefin: A greydwarf
111s Robin: But this time, I think twitchers are insanely more difficult than greydwarfs, and more irritating
120s than greydwarfs. You need to– Jonathan: I think that–
124s I was just gonna say that’s why I like them, I like games that are like on the brink of irritating, irritatingly hard,
131s but you can still manage to learn how to kill them and then you can overcome the game somehow, so.
136s Robin: So, one thing that is a little bit different, is that you have the twitcher spawners, that you– They’re pretty–
145s There’re many of them. Everywhere. So it’s a little bit– You have to go forward a little bit slowly and try to get
153s those spawners in order to just cover some ground. But then as the added bonus you get the morgen–
162s Have we shown the morgen? Josefin: We’ve shown concept art of the morgen.
165s Robin: We’ve shown– Yes we have, alright, good, awesome. I have no clue of what we’ve shown and what we’ve not shown!
172s Jonathan: So this will be a very spoilery talk, probably. Robin: Probably, maybe.
176s Josefin: [laughs] Nah, it’s my job to make sure you don’t.
178s Robin: Good. Awesome. But my favourite creature is the morgen. I think that one is– It’s fun to play against,
185s it feels like a mini boss, and it has some fun mechanics, it hurts a lot.
193s Jonathan: Can we mention the thing that happened when we were playtesting the other, what was it, two weeks ago?
198s The wall? [laughs] I think that was one of the coolest moments we’ve had playtesting for quite a while.
204s Robin: Ooh, we could. The thing is that we haven’t talked about specifically that creature! We haven’t shown–
210s Jonathan: Oh yeah, that’s true.
211s Josefin: Oh [laughs] Yeah, I know the one-
213s Jonathan: Okay, let’s skip it [laughs] Josefin: but let’s not mention that and let’s–
216s Josefin: Yeah, let’s just make this one a very juicy bit of gossip for people to…fear.
223s Jonathan: Yeah. We had fun, that’s the important part, so there’s a chance that you might have fun
226s if you play Ashlands. Josefin: Content warning: Fun possible.
229s Jonathan: Yeah. Fun has been confirmed [laughs]
233s Robin: Also, the fun line– If you just go past it you get to the frustration line, so there’s a fine line between
241s fun and frustration in Ashlands, hopefully it’s gonna be on the fun side.
245s Jonathan: Ashlands puts the fun in funstration. No? Robin: In– Yes
250s Jonathan: [laughs] Josefin: That’s not how it’s spelled
252s Jonathan: No Robin: But I think, the valkyrie is another–
258s The fallen valkyrie is something that we have been talking about since way way back.
264s Josefin: Yeah, you mentioned in the last episode that it did not turn out the way it was gonna be originally,
269s that it’s gone through a lot of iterations to finally feel good.
273s Robin: It’s gone through so many stages. But it’s at a stage where I feel that it’s really good–
283s Jonathan: Yeah Robin: It has a purpse and it has a place
287s in the roster of enemies. Many times when we’re creating all these enemies you have to sit down and think about
297s what kind of position, or what kind of role they play together. ‘Cause many times you’ll get all these creatures
303s joining up and trying to get you. And I feel like we’ve found how the fallen valkyrie is supposed to be–
312s There was one moment there where we were actually just gonna delete it.
317s Jonathan: Yeah and visually I think it looks so much– Really just like the past week or so have made some really nice
322s additions to how it looks. I think it– Josefin: Yeah the VFX for that one is a real gamechanger.
328s Jonathan: Yeah. Andreas agrees. Robin: Oh does he?
331s Jonathan: [laughs] No, he doesn’t, but that’s fine!
336s Josefin: But that’s some creatures, but we also have the rest of the environment, like why does the Ashlands
342s look the way it does? We have the weather, the locations, the buildings, is there anything there
347s you wanna talk a little bit about?
350s Robin: Hmm… I think Ashlands could have been so much, and I think if you look at how it looked back before it became
361s what it is now, a big difference is that it’s a lot more ash. It’s not called the Lavalands, it’s not called
367s Volcano Country, so you have to play a little bit with the name and try to find like the identity of it. But I think
375s we’re at a stage where it feels good, I think it’s a very versatile biome, but– It all depends on where
383s you are in Ashlands, I guess, but it wasn’t easy trying to get to where it is now. It’s been a difficult road,
395s just trying to create everything– We’ve had so many assets in the game, so many assets that’s not been used,
401s many assets that have just been thrown out, because it feels redundant, because it feels too much,
408s because it doesn’t feel like Valheim.
411s Jonathan: I think it’s been one of those cases if you say, like, “art is never done only abandoned”,
417s it could have been done like five iterations ago but it’s so much better now than it was then, so. It seems like every
423s time someone makes a pass and it’s like “oh, we need a little more of this, we need to go over this a bit more”,
428s it actually gets a lot better. I think we’ve made a lot of progress, visually it’s really been kind of a
433s journey in this case, not going from “this is how it’s supposed to look” and bam there it is,
438s but more like trying a lot of different stuff out, finding something that works.
443s Robin: I think like I’ve said before, we don’t really work with art passes on stuff. We work very organically
451s and iteratively when going forward. With that said, we don’t actually block out stuff and then do an art pass
461s on it like level design; we try to finish stuff, put it into the game and see if it fits. We try to tweak and work
468s around everything and see what needs to stay or not. Just today I was working on a
474s rock platform for the flametal– Can I talk about the flametal?
481s Josefin: Yeah, people know about flametal, flametal is already in the game since before, it’s just been not used.
487s Robin: Yeah, so– Josefin: We can talk about it.
488s Robin. Great, so you have to get the flametal, can I talk about how you get the flametal? [laughs]
492s What can I talk about? Jonathan: Just go
495s Josefin: I think you can talk about how to get the flametal Jonathan: She’ll just censor everything
497s Josefin: [laughs] Yeah
499s Robin: Okay, so one thing that is gonna be– When we were designing it we knew we wanted to have lava
506s and we got lava into the game. What we didn’t know is that we were going to put flametal into the lava.
513s Because back in the day it was just these big lava pools and they were just taking up space. You didn’t do anything,
520s you were not engaging with the lava in any way, so we threw out the flametal into the lava. Now it becomes this
528s little game mechanic of how you get the flametal. But now we had to do an iterative process again,
537s and through that we found that we need these platforms where we spawn the flametal onto.
544s And just today I’ve been doing again another pass, I think it’s like the tenth pass or something,
550s on a different platform for the flametal platforms. But yeah, that’s really interesting, also pretty tedious.
562s It’s like trying to find what’s right, what works, what doesn’t work. So you make a platform, you go out, you
570s you playtest it, and you’re like “no, don’t like it”, and you do it again and you do it again until you
576s find something that is nice.
579s Josefin: Alright. Another thing that I wanna talk about is the siege engines that we have shown a little bit of,
585s and also the Fortress Time that we’ve hinted at– Jonathan: Oh dear
589s Josefin: What is that, and what can you expect from it?
591s Jonathan: Yeah, what can we expect from that, Robin, what do you say? [laughs]
594s Robin: Haha, so. In the early days I had this idea that Ashlands would be all about undead war,
608s sieges, attacking Ashlands; I was having a discussion with Richard and we were just talking around–
621s He said something, “what if we had a battering ram?” And I was like “wait, can we do that? Are we allowed to?”
630s Because so many times, it’s like, some things work in Valheim, some things shouldn’t be put into Valheim.
638s And siege engines was like “what, woah, you’re innovative now, what are you saying, can we use battering rams?
645s Really? Is that something– how would we do that?” And then we started talking about it even more and more,
652s so yeah, now we’ve got battering rams and catapults in the game, where you have to try to siege the fortresses
659s to get the rewards inside. And so far it’s been pretty interesting. If you follow us on Twitter,
671s you’d see that sometimes we’ve thrown out these playtest Friday maps, I guess, where you can see where
679s we’ve died, or where Andreas died a lot. That’s a lot from the Fortress Times, and–
684s Josefin: It’s gonna be difficult Jonathan: Yeah, I think playing in like [laughs]
689s I think there’s gonna be a lot of dying in Ashlands, I just wanna say. And also playing it hardcore,
694s it’s gonna be– I’m gonna be surprised if I see anybody– When we first see somebody
699s beat the game without dying, that’s gonna be crazy, I think, if they can manage Ashlands.
705s Robin: Yep. It’s gonna be fun seeing people die. But I think that’s not really the big highlight, or,
717s it’s not seeing people die, it’s seeing how they die, in what manner [laughs]
724s Jonathan: I think we’re gonna see people being very creative, like, in ways that we didn’t imagine this
729s is how you can actually beat it. By giving them the tools of a few siege machines, and in addition to everything
735s else that they have, I think that it could be interesting to see how it works out. If it works out [laughs]
741s Robin: If it works out. Jonathan: Yeah
743s Robin: It’s been really fun, to say the least. It’s really fun, but it’s also a little bit… It is difficult trying to,
756s to understand how to actually do the siege in a good proper way. Even when we’re running in, like we’ve got Jonathan,
766s me, Andreas and Christoffer – four people trying to take on a fortress – and if you don’t have tactics,
774s if you don’t have each other’s backs, you will die. So many times. And they will still– They will hunt you!
784s Like, we’ve set up bases outside of the fortresses and they start sieging us, they come out.
791s Josefin: How the tables may turn Robin: And we’ll be like “No. Go away.”
794s Jonathan: [laughs] Yeah
796s Josefin: I think on that very cheerful note of being hunted down by the very creatures you were trying
801s to hunt down yourself, we’re going to wrap up this episode and continue our chat at a later date.
809s So I wanna say thank you so much for joining me today, both of you, and let’s say goodbye to the audience.
817s Jonathan: Bye Robin: Goodbye audience, haha!