about 6 hours
ago -
Direct link
⚠️ Note: This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim only, and may therefore be unstable!
Prior to launching this update to the Default version of the game, we want to have a chance to discover bugs and fine-tune the balancing to ensure the best game experience.Please remember to be considerate towards players who are not participating in the Public Test, as some may prefer to avoid spoilers. As indicated by the access code, please ensure to create backups of your save files before playing.
- ACCESS: Right-click Valheim in your Steam library, then select ‘Properties’. In the new window, select ‘Betas’ and type in the code “yesimadebackups”. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to select. The PTB FAQ can be found here.
- FEEDBACK: Please leave any feedback in the “#valheim-public-test” channel in our Discord or through the form on our website.
Just a small patch of fixes for you today!
Patch Notes:
* Fix a crash on Xbox that could occur when entering suspend mode while playing online multiplayer
* Fix memory leak for HUDs of dead enemies
* Moved pause menu back to where it originally was
* Fix two cases of log spam for server hosts related to block and permitted lists
* It’s now possible to hide boss and death markers via controller again