over 1 year
ago -
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | Premier ignition starts July 11th |
2s | Premier ignition is where you can climb |
4s | and help us test one more time before |
5s | the first full stage of Premiere that |
7s | launches with episode 7 act 2. here's |
9s | the ignition rundown similar to our |
11s | Premiere open Beta you can enroll or |
12s | join a team to compete in a series of |
14s | weekly matches and qualify for a playoff |
16s | tournament that crowns the champion this |
18s | is your chance to play with your roster |
19s | sharpen your current comp or start a |
21s | whole new team you can earn a unique gun |
23s | buddy and title for winning and a player |
25s | card for playing at least one match |
27s | after ignition your team match history |
29s | and Premiere MMR will transfer to |
31s | premiere's launch in episode 7. but your |
34s | Premiere score division Zone and |
36s | enrollment will not carry over there are |
38s | other changes coming based on your |
39s | feedback from beta like improved |
41s | enrollment and you can check out our |
42s | page for the full list we want to hear |
44s | from you this is your last chance to |
45s | share any feedback on things you'd like |
47s | improved or added before we push right |
49s | into launch hope to see you out there |
50s | and good luck on your games |