over 4 years ago - The Valorant Team - Direct link

Inspired by the incredibly popular League of Legends x VALORANT crossover concept art created by @wandakunpls we’re gonna spotlight some other community-created VALORANT and League crossovers.

Love their art? Let them know.

First the original, which if you haven’t already seen, you should spend some time in this thread. Below is just one sample.

Artist @alartriss shared this Jett art on reddit done “in the same style as the League of Legends splash arts.”

Yes, I know, lots of Jett. But how can you ignore this one from Justin Gozal?

Perhaps a nod to the original crossover? Via @christian_amiel

Is it the jackets? Via Geizon Art.

Jett didn’t have to ask permission to join this club. Via @Kimjdav_Artsu

Artist Fran Lu manages to use Phoenix and “subtle” together.

Missed our previous Community Spotlight? Catch up below:

Community Spotlight - Nov. 6