Originally posted by
"There isn't a match making fix for this, that wouldn't be exploitable(like lowering RR loss if someone AFK's). It's also not solving the issue of running into Toxic/AFK/Griefing players."
There are ways to combat this though. No one with a shred of understanding thinks that they should lower RR loss if someone afks. It's entirely too easy to win trade that way, especially how easy it is to continuously queue against the same people directly after games.
The report system actually being meaningful would help dramatically. I'll admit that I don't know it fully and correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as we know players that get reported for toxic behavior enough times don't receive more than a short chat ban correct? Yes you can say that doling out heftier bans can be exploitable, and it can. But the benefits outweigh the potential negatives don't you think? Coming from a team that bars friends from playing with each other at diamond 3 (which i agree with, even if I like playing with friends) and above to promote competitive integrity, i could guess that you DO agree.
Not to mention that there are other methods of promoting less toxic behavior that extremely limited or completely unexploitable but are just not as financially viable for riot to use. Such could be adding an honor system that achieving enough points in can award a skin or a gun buddy. It may sound simple and ineffective, but considering the prices of the admittedly great looking skins in this game, you yourselves should know the motivation players have for even a decent looking skin.
Please don't look at an excel spreadsheet of data with little to no context accompanying it and patronize your players by laying the majority of blame on them. Could you be correct? Absolutely. But to leave the majority of responsibility of lack of punishments or motivations for good teamwork in a competitive game by saying "make them be nice 4head" isn't a feasible solution, just as reducing RR loss for afkers isn't.
That all being said, the fact that you are willing to engage with your playerbase makes me far more inclined that you will eventually figure this out. I appreciate what you do and despite the many complaints I have with the current ranked system I understand you're trying your best and we all can agree that takes time.
The report system actually being meaningful would help dramatically. I'll admit that I don't know it fully and correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as we know players that get reported for toxic behavior enough times don't receive more than a short chat ban correct?
No, there are players banned for toxicity all the time. I don't know the details of how we message this, why we do this, legal issues in some countries with how this is handled etc. I'm not on the team that handles these issues, or a part of player support. But I do know we ban people.
Yes you can say that doling out heftier bans can be exploitable, and it can. But the benefits outweigh the potential negatives don't you think?
I actually don't think bans are exploitable, unless we some how automate them. Again not my area, but I was talking about exploits in the sense of Ranked Rating manipulation. I was pointing out that we are focused on combating AFK, Toxcity, and Griefing - because your initial response seemed like you wanted a Ranked Solution for those issues.
Again, I'm not on the team that handles this. We have a team, a team with quiet a few people on it, focused on these very issues.
Such could be adding an honor system that achieving enough points in can award a skin or a gun buddy.
They would be the one that would do an "Honor System", and that idea is a cool one! But that's for them to decide, and also takes time for them to work on. There are other things that also need to be done, like improving player support tools, reporting tools, discovery of how we can fight these issues, then lastly implementing and designing those features. Valorant is young, but I can promise these are things that team thinks about, and works on, and more is to come.
"make them be nice 4head"
I never intended for my response to come off this way. I just wanted to point out that there is a team that works in this space, and they want to combat the core issue. How they combat it, and what they do, is up to them. We've already implemented AFK and Dodge penalties, because we know we can't tell players "just be nice"
Remember Valorant is still pretty young. We are learning a ton, gathering data, and still building foundational systems to the game. I know you're frustrated, but we are definitely working on a lot of things that take time. Hopefully you'll see changes that help alleviate some of your concerns in the future.