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almost 5 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by Its_Vexe

Abloopdadooda made some good points in this post.

While I do agree with many of the issues they’ve pointed out as interfering with a competitive environment, bugs on release are acceptable and most players won’t mind, and some of the bugs you listed are already being addressed (hitreg issue)and they probably had to discuss Raze/Jett and Viper boosting so that’ll be addressed for sure. They took out sage wall heaven-peeking on Haven so they will surely take boosting out too. It’s just a beta, release without ranked and the rare chance you come across exploiters in lower elo (mostly new players will be here obviously) it just seems like they’ll have it at an acceptable state post June 2nd.

All I’m saying is, Riot games should know what they’re doing by now(LoL is 10+ years), and they must have some plan to tackle the issues that have been most glaring/prevalent in the community.

I see a minimum of like 2-3 rioters a day addressing/looking at posts and replying to things. These dudes are passionate, let’s see if they can continue to listen to feedback for a smooth launch.

Yeah, we're looking at all of the issues that get stated pretty often (FPS drops, hit reg, map exploits, etc.) and have solutions we're shipping for our launch patch. I know these things are frustrating (they're frustrating for me too, so I absolutely understand) but we're committed to fixing them and they're very solvable problems.

VALORANT is about to be a truly live game, and it will always have something to fix, add, or change - whether it's balance changes, improving performance, adding new content, etc. - and that'll never stop. I totally understand concerns around some of these issues coming into launch, but I also want to reinforce that we don't see launching VALORANT as the "finish line"; rather, it's the start of a marathon. We are committed to supporting this game for years to come, regardless of what issues crop up - so keep giving us feedback and we'll keep finding more things to fix, add, and change to make the game better.