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over 4 years ago - /u/tehleach - Direct link

Originally posted by Choco320

Golden Gun - Grants capturing player a Golden Gun

One-shot, one-kill

Perfectly accurate at all times

Agent moves at knife speed

Only has a single bullet in chamber and 2 backup rounds

Kills grant an additional round

That’s gonna be real fun

Additional feature we forgot to add to patch notes: when you kill someone who has a golden gun, it instantly transfers into your inventory with full ammo.

over 4 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

Originally posted by UnderpantsGnomezz

When is the patch dropping? Tomorrow, I presume? I suppose I'll just have to wait for the Twitter post

Throughout the day today. We do the americas region first, so we have the business day to manage issues that might arise, then asia pacific and kr, then EU

over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by pitcha2

Or until they have 3 more self-healers.. she's not overpowered at all, just necessary or a detriment to not have. That she keeps getting singled out for nerfs blows my mind. The wall is already trash, it takes so long to place the wall and they keep lowering its duration and hp. It could use a buff by removing the snap to terrain that makes it so miserable to use.

Meanwhile 50 kill reyna roams free at least another week, with 4 heal-to-150hp skills and two through-the-wall one-way blinds.. yikes!

We make balance changes based off of actual game data; every time we've nerfed Sage, it's because her power is too far above other agents in terms of actual game outcomes (match winrate, round winrate, etc.)

Sage's winrate is substantially higher than Reyna's, believe it or not! Obviously we're keeping an eye on everyone, just wanted to reinforce that we do use a lot of data analysis to understand our game state at any point in time in order to make specific balance changes.

over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by Caminn

just wanted to reinforce that we do use a lot of data analysis to understand our game state at any point in time in order to make specific balance changes.

balance changes based on pure data analysis are useless and lead to bad design decisions like the whole of league of legends.

Sage's winrate is substantially higher than Reyna's, believe it or not!

Maybe sage is a free character and reyna came after almost everyone had their two free extras unlocked already and the grind to get tier 5 on reyna's contract wasn't reached yet by a majority of people? shrug

Oh, I don't mean to imply we just do pure data analysis, that's definitely not the case. We also field recurring surveys to understand how players feel about the state of balance by patch, what they find frustrating, etc. and also have a set of design principles and goals that we adhere to. There's a lot that goes into the process that isn't just raw numbers.

But, when it comes to raw numbers, we also have that covered. Just wanted to reinforce that Sage is getting nerfed again because she remains the strongest agent in the game and we're trying to bring her power in line with the rest of our lineup.

over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by 800813hunter

are there enough Sage vs non-sage games for there to be meaningful data? And isn't it likely the games without a sage are low elo ones where everyone is running around like a headless chicken anyways

There are enough, yeah! We also filter by MMR ranges, so we have an understanding of her relative power across the player skill spectrum - it's quite high. But also, Sentinels are intended to be more powerful at holding ground, not taking it - Sage's wall was often being cast as a sort of super-smoke or site blocker to enable aggressive plays, which not only contributes to her outsized power but also doesn't quite fit within her role. So we're looking to shave off some power there and try to get her kit's output to be a bit more appropriate.

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotBrentmeister - Direct link

Originally posted by AtTheGates

Hell yeah for Performance updates. That is the most important thing to me :)

Hope they help! The Multithreaded rendering is going to be very dependent on spec + where you measure FPS.

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotNu - Direct link

Originally posted by RiotBrentmeister

Hope they help! The Multithreaded rendering is going to be very dependent on spec + where you measure FPS.

Multithreaded rendering's biggest improvements will be in the Range and when running around maps. Other factors become the limiter in heavy combat, and we're still optimizing more.

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotNu - Direct link

Originally posted by ExRcanian

Is there a definitive list for what specs are required for the setting to be available? I have a 2600X and I'm not seeing the option in the graphics quality settings.

It currently requires 8 logical cores and a Nvidia or AMD GPU with 6 GB of VRAM. These requirements may change in the future.

over 4 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

Originally posted by frostnxn

Do you plan on having a publicly shared update schedule in the future, instead of the "when it lands, it lands"?

Yes, we'll have a ticker posted in client 24hours in advance for future patches. Our general schedule will be platform down for maintenance at 6am for Americas, 2pm for KR/AP, and 8pm for EU (all times Tuesday PDT) for our standard patch timing. There's still potential for that to adjust, but that's our intended schedule.

over 4 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

Originally posted by ExoticDucky

So around atleast minimum 6 hours till EU patch ?

EU's 8pm PDT (5am CEST)

over 4 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

Originally posted by frostnxn

That sounds good, having a schedule, and I love the times as well! I would use your attention, while I have it, to also suggest moving the daily reset timer earlier in EU, because right now it's a bit inconvenient for people who have time in the morning only, since they reset at noon.

I believe we're pushing a change to make that early morning (like 4am) sometime in the next day or so.

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotNu - Direct link

Originally posted by FolX273

Hey thank you guys for adding multithreading support it's obviously a technical challenge to get right.

With that said I'm pretty bummed out it's not in my game options. In the same boat as many others, 4GB Vram needs to have it too. I just tested this specifically and I literally get two times the FPS on CSGO with Multicore rendering option turned on/off.

Specs: Ryzen 7 3550h (turbo clock 4Ghz) and GTX 1650 4gb. Obviously this is a laptop setup but I get respectable frames as it stands in the 100-120 FPS range. But looking at CSGO I can't help but feel it could be better

We're going to lower the VRAM requirement from 6 GB to 2 GB in the next major patch.

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotNu - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Not in the near term. There's a threshold where it can make performance worse not better, and right now our testing has 8 logical cores as the point where it starts providing value.