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Originally posted by Koolvin88

i think its just so that picking it up is an intended feature, where before it was kind of a glitchy type thing with getting it as soon as you cancel

Yeah, this is pretty much the case. The Design team felt that some of the interactions (like needing to specifically cancel in order to pick up the spike) were unintuitive.

This also means that shooting an Omen's shade before they're able to cancel will now no longer deny picking up the Spike.

Originally posted by IfigurativelyCannot

The door levers part is interesting. Maybe I’m not understanding the wording, but what is different about picking up the spike? You can already pick up the spike while in ult.

Unless they mean you don’t have to ult directly on top of it, and as long as you’re close you can look at it and press the interact button to pick it up?

The spike is now picked up as soon as the shade appears near the spike, rather than only being picked up once the ability is canceled.

But as you mentioned you can also press the Use key to pick it up if you're not directly on top of it, like a normal player can.

You can interact with other Press-F-To-Use items that don't involve your gun dropping, mainly door switches. (One exception: you can't ride ziplines in shade form still). But you can't do things like pick up Orbs, Rez KAY/O or plant/defuse, since you have to lower your weapon/ability in all of those cases.

Originally posted by SSYorimz

I think its more of a quality of life change more than a buff, they probably know hes one of the most picked controllers and probably did it because sometimes picking up spike and insta cancelling ult didnt work.

Pretty much. When making this change it was a discussion around:

"should we remove Omen's ability to pick up the spike with ultimate???" and I didn't really feel like that change was necessary as Omen's ult is pretty fair and niche anyways. It felt like a bug how you had to cancel the ability to do the thing you were intending to use the ability for in the first place.