I want to dive in and address some quick points on how we think about performance and what you can expect from launch.
First let me just say that we see launch or 1.0 as the starting line. We're in this for years to come. Perf is part of that commitment.
Performance is a wide range of topics but in terms of top priorities for perf we have 3.
Accessibility : We want people with low end computers to be able to join their friends in VALORANT. So invite your buddy with his Intel HD 4400 to game with you. They won't be slamming 144FPS down but hopefully they can have fun. For the most part, we seem to be hitting the mark here, there is ongoing work to get all character ability VFX in budget here but it's coming along at a fast rate. We improve a number of abilities every patch. Patch .50 fixed a rather large issue introduced with .49, one of our key GPU optimizations regressed and we had to go fix it up again.
Combat Perf : This is honestly where we have the most problems the most right now. Combat is also the point in time where performance matters most. In the 1.0 patch, we focus on combat the most. When you get into combat, the simulation gets much more complex. Bullets flying, several abilities going off at once, HUD is displaying new info, just a lot is happening. This puts strain on the "Main Game Thread" which is going to be bottlenecked by the single-threaded performance of your CPU first and foremost. More on this later.
Average FPS : This is actually pretty healthy in VALORANT right now. Nobody's getting 400FPS but a large percentage of players average over 144FPS. We see plenty of higher end machines hitting 200+ as well. It's something we want to work on in the future but it's pretty in line with our targets on our listed specs.
So if you look at this world you might see why some players disagree about performance in VALORANT.
On the low end you've got a game that can hit reasonable FPS (if you experience problems on the low end try dropping your resolution, make sure improve clarity and anti-aliasing are off).
On the low to mid end. You might have some decent average framerates. You don't need a very powerful GPU to unlock high frames on that end. If you can pair it with a semi-powerful CPU you'll get decent frames. Maybe better than you do in other games. Maybe not, depending on spec.
On the mid to high end. You are probably frustrated by the fact that you have this stellar rig but you still see frame drops below your monitor's refresh rate. However, your average FPS is probably above 144. The higher it is, almost the more frustrating the drops become.
Everyone's right in their own way but they're looking at it from their own perspective.
More on Combat Perf : I told you I'd get back to this. So what does Riot have in store for combat perf?
Lets look at a sample of 4 major issues causing dips that we fixed in the 1.0 patch.
We sped the minimap up by 1ms on the main thread.
We removed some bullet shell casings that were causing .5-1ms drops per weapon firing on the frame. (we hope to return this feature in a more performant state in future patches)
We saved .3ms on the pings that appear on the ground when players die.
We fixed and issue where if you were in a party and did NOT open the options menu at least once in your game (per game), you'd see periodic 20ms drops (not necessarily related to combat but it could happen during combat). Man this was a crazy one to find since these conditions aren't usually met during internal testing. Easy to fix once we found it though.
We're still collating patch notes and fixes for the 1.0 patch. This is just a sampling of the work that's been done. What I want to stress is that we're invested here. We even got some extra engineering muscle from other teams at Riot to be able to get more done on this front. Expect more of that work to land in the 1.1 & 1.2 patches and beyond. We want to get the game to be where it's not dipping below player's 144 monitor refresh rates ASAP. Longer term we want to push that even higher, but some of those projects are going to be more complex and taker longer than a single (or even several) patch cycles. We're right there with you wanting to make this game polished until it shines.
I'm a perf enthusiast and want to help you! I hear you say (not really but here's hoping). The best thing to help is to be clear with your reports around perf. "Barely getting 50FPS" tends to read like your average FPS is 45 or something. It might be more clear to say something like "During big firefights I drop to 50FPS". Videos help A LOT. We've fixed a number of issues from videos players have recorded of specific perf issues. When you report issues please include CPU/GPU as part of the report. It will help us take a quick look at your config and guess if your CPU/GPU bound or on the borderline. That way if we can't reproduce on our work machine we know what kind of computer to try. Do a check up on your own PC's health as well before reporting a perf issue. Check temps, make sure drivers are up to date, things you probably already know as an enthusiast. If you don't know these things we have a lovely technical player support department that can help offer tips towards getting better FPS as well.
On one final note. Quarantine is hard for perf work. I used to be able to just plop myself into the lab on a wide array of hardware and test something. Now we're still waiting on deliveries for specific hardware and have to get it shipped to our homes; that gets delayed too due to Covid. Somethings are out of stock. Yada yada. Not asking for a pity party but just know that getting specific perf data and fixing specific issues can take a lot longer here than we'd normally like. We still have a huge number of developers working to do these things as quickly as possible; we're people behind these words and we want the same thing as you (awesome perf).