I just picked up this game, as it's free and looked fun and I wanted something to do in Lockdown. But I'm awful at it! Like, really really awful.
All the guides I read said to pick Phoenix at the start (he's one of only 5 characters I can choose from anyway) because he's the most "newb-friendly" but I'm just... so bad. And I feel like I'm letting my whole team down because apparently with him I'm supposed to be the guy that is good for winning 1v1s and I just lose every 1v1 I take part in? I end up dead last and if my team wins, it's despite of me.
I think my aim is just terrible. I've been practising in the shooting range, and I'm ok there, but in an actual battle my reactions are just too slow (I'm old, mid-30s lol) so all that practise isn't worth sh*t. And I'm obviously only getting matched against other brand new and bad players, so I'm bottom of the pile in what was already the lowest pile hahaha.
I see there are four "styles" of agent, but if the others are more difficult that Phoenix surely I'm just going to be even worse? I can't even practise, because if I enter a match and it turns out that I'm terrible at the character then I'm stuck for 12 rounds, because if I leave I don't get replaced and it screws over my team.
Perhaps I should just go buy Animal Crossing or something...! Thanks for the help.
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