almost 5 years ago - /u/ProgRocktopus - Direct link

On a personal note, I really appreciate everyone who took the time to play the beta, report bugs, write up feedback, read the stuff we wrote, make community content, or otherwise did work trying to make the game better for everyone. Your contributions matter.

It's been a humbling, constructive, and fun experience working together with you all. Here's to launching this thing and keeping the collaboration going!

almost 5 years ago - /u/mochimisu - Direct link

Originally posted by ProgRocktopus

On a personal note, I really appreciate everyone who took the time to play the beta, report bugs, write up feedback, read the stuff we wrote, make community content, or otherwise did work trying to make the game better for everyone. Your contributions matter.

It's been a humbling, constructive, and fun experience working together with you all. Here's to launching this thing and keeping the collaboration going!

I agree with ProgRock, and I'd also like to thank everyone for just playing the game.

If you crashed the game, I know it sucks for you, but it helps us (sometimes me) make the game more stable for everyone else.

Personally coming here to thank players if they complained about FPS, weird graphics glitches, and all that. We're working on a lot of it to make a game worth your time.

And for all of you that I ran into in the queues and yelled at me like I was a normal player because I don't have Riot in my name, thank you for making CB enjoyable for me on my free time as well c:

almost 5 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by ProgRocktopus

On a personal note, I really appreciate everyone who took the time to play the beta, report bugs, write up feedback, read the stuff we wrote, make community content, or otherwise did work trying to make the game better for everyone. Your contributions matter.

It's been a humbling, constructive, and fun experience working together with you all. Here's to launching this thing and keeping the collaboration going!

And a huge thank you, as well, to the players who filled out our surveys!! You're helping us to make better decisions about gameplay, characters, competitive, pricing, skins...everything, really.
So thanks, fam -fistbump-

almost 5 years ago - /u/mochimisu - Direct link

Originally posted by RaccoonDu

Just wondering if the fps improvements are targeted at Ryzen players. With a Ryzen 9 3900X and a GTX 1080, I should never be getting under 144fps with low-medium settings, however my fps fluctuates between 130-300. I'm lucky to even be getting above 100, other Ryzen players aren't so lucky. If you could reassure me post launch, Ryzen performance will improve, that would really help me sleep at night, since Riot's been keeping fps improvements so vague.

I won't go into specifics, but there's a number of performance increases that are going into the launch version of the game, but we're definitely not stopping there.

We have a decent amount of more performance increases that didn't hit that patch, and more we spec'd out and haven't done the work to address, but we are planning to. Particularly, we don't want to jam all the risky changes in one patch. Perf is great, but it can't come at the cost of a buggy game.

I'd like to say that we're going to keep working on performance for quite a bit. I'm of the opinion that performance isn't a problem that's ever fixed, but sometimes needs more addressing than other times. Right now, we need to address it a bit more, but after the changes we want to make, it's not "done."

almost 5 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by SecretDeftones

Survey? I didn't get any survey.
I would like to point the menu; isn't really good.
I couldn't see my rank, if i'm locked, the progress, what i have or not but the rest of the game was INCREDIBLE.
It's just menu UI...that's all.

Not everyone got a survey. For each survey, we need a few hundred (in extreme cases, a few thousand) responses to get a picture of what players are feeling. With hundreds of thousands of folks in the beta, some folks didn't get randomly selected.

And I'm actually one of the devs who's identified changes we need to make to the menu! So those will be coming :) Thanks for the feedback on that!

almost 5 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by SecretDeftones

I love you..literally
They should've listened to me on Aphelios UI, but it was too late.

we love you too fam <3