Original Post — Direct link
almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotArkem - Direct link

If you suspect someone is cheating it's very helpful if you report them via the in game report system. If you have video clips or other details you would like to share please send them in via a support ticket.

You can also message me with the details but since I'm only one person and I sleep sometimes it's more effective to send in a support ticket so we can guarantee someone sees it.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotArkem - Direct link

Originally posted by sky361

Wtf? People do laugh about your anti-cheat in certain forums. Ive met so many aimbotting and wallhacking cheater after my 4th day, its not funny.

I'm sorry that you've had a bad experience. If you report the people you're playing against and send in clips it'll help me get them out the game faster.

Our anti-cheat is only going to get better, we're banning cheaters right now but the more data we get the faster our systems can act.