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Just curious? i know people will say just use CSGO settings for now. but with all the info coming out has the FOV been released and settings to use in kovaaks been found?

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about 5 years ago - /u/Riot_Classick - Direct link

Originally posted by ReneCarper

This is a great question i would love to know what to use in kovaaks to try to start and get ready

Here's some info for Kovaak:
FoV: 100

Aspect Ratio: Use whatever you're comfortable with. If you're going to use 4:3, I would recommend NOT stretching if you're practicing for Valorant (I know this will be a topic of discussion, and it will be a later conversation I'd like to have with you all).

Sensitivity: Use whatever you're comfortable with in another game, we'll provide some conversion rates at a later date.