over 1 year
ago -
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | she's my Duo and then we all started |
3s | gaming and then once the premiere came |
4s | out we also decided hey why not play |
6s | together and we made the whole team met |
9s | through High School in France for over |
11s | the 10 years and we all grew up playing |
13s | games playing league and now we move on |
16s | to Ballard and we started our own |
17s | Premier team called crack gaming shout |
19s | out to crack I'm just a sub so I'm not |
20s | exactly in the Premier team but these |
23s | guys I've been watching their games and |
24s | they've been doing great because you've |
25s | been friends for so long it's a lot of |
27s | good and honest communication that |
29s | happens and I think Valerie has been a |
31s | way for all of us to get closer by |
32s | playing together and so it's just been |
34s | really fun all very competitive players |
36s | we all want to win but also have a good |
38s | time and I shout out to Valerian for |
39s | creating this Premiere because not all |
41s | of us have time to play competitively |
43s | but having the system really like takes |
45s | it to another level |
46s | thanks man |