almost 4 years ago - /u/oniram177 - Direct link

this is easily doable - we actually brought this up last week as a note that we put the effort to change buddy mounts for higher tier skins, but things like grid, avalanche, etc tend to get ignored because we arent making custom mounts for them to begin with. we can absolutely adjust this in the future

almost 4 years ago - /u/oniram177 - Direct link

Originally posted by ChaosDefrost15

What an input. I really appreciate you're going over that game breaking fix. I'm pretty sure hit reg being completely broken with shots not registering every round, every other game is nothing to worry about.

Oh wait. I forgot it's all just crouching animation issues, the fact it also happens when enemy stands still not moving is just standing animation issues and when same happens when they run its running animation issue. Not at all hit reg issue for so many people

I understand the pain. you feel it, i feel it, everyone does. the unfortunate circumstance is that for the engineers and folks working on those types of issues, they dont have the luxury I do of changing a color to make someone happy. that sort of fix takes a lot of time, effort, and debugging but rest assured it is a priority.

almost 4 years ago - /u/oniram177 - Direct link

Originally posted by musicallacisum

in the original gunbuddy previews a lot of them had their own custom hangers

Were those scrapped?

I think it was all the agent gunbuddies

yeah we did scrap those. they were made before our alpha/beta period and before we had a few things nailed down. at one point you only had the option to choose the buddy as a full package, so if you wanted that Sova owl buddy charm hanging from your Viper Shorty, itd be a weird mismatch because it pulled the mount from Sova's too.

we wanted to redesign the system to be a bit more modular and allow us to keep mounts on guns that it made sense for, but change the charms based off your choice. the old designs also were this weird fishing pole shape to pull the buddy as far away from the gun as possible, because we have a lot of clipping issues.

some of those issues are still present today. we cant actually run a physics sim to make sure the buddies never intersect with the gun because that'd be an unnecessary performance toll, so we set limitations on them to make sure that they cant go too far back past the mount. thats also why they dont have nice jiggly physics - its just expensive to do that and if you're on a low spec machine, you'd feel that hit which would be no bueno.

so for now, when it comes to making custom mounts, we have a ruleset to follow. new boundaries and scale and such, and typically when we make a buddy, we make them as a set. mount and charm. but with the agent skins the unfortunate circumstance is that the old mounts were just outdated and didnt adhere to the new rules, so they were scrapped.

almost 4 years ago - /u/oniram177 - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


we did mention it - the thought there is that the buddy and mount are independent. it does mean that if you have a chroma there's a bit of a disconnect, but its no different than if you were to put say the breach buddy on your sovereign gun. we felt that the chroma upgrade was something that should apply purely to the gun itself, rather than affect the charm attached to it