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I was in the 2nd round of a ranked game when it disconnected me and said relaunch the client, then it gave me the 1.2gb update, causing me to abandon the match. nice.

update: cant reconnect since "The match you are trying to join is running an incompatible version of the game. Please try upgrading your game version"

update 2: 1 hour ban whoop! whoop!

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almost 4 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

We’ll investigate why that happened. Games in progress are supposed to be protected when a new patch goes out.

almost 4 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

Originally posted by TheRealKha0s

Thank you, I’m really not complaining, just trying to highlight an issue that seemed to affect multiple people.

The report is much appreciated! It’s definitely a bug.

almost 4 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

Originally posted by terminbee

A bit unrelated but I'm legit never able to reconnect after disconnecting for whatever reason. My internet is fine as I'm on discord and can even stream my friend playing but I can't reconnect. The game says I do (people see I'm back, I can hear them, they can hear me) but I'm not back; I can't move, the gun doesn't appear in my hand, and if I click to spectate someone else, it's stuck in that wavy screen that appears if you change spectators super fast.

It also sometimes says "missing string table entry" when I try to reconnect. This is something I've seen others complain about through Google searches.

Opened a ticket but they just said my internet sucks. Tried reinstalling and still an issue. Just wanted to bring it up in case others have it too.

There are some known bugs with clients getting into a weird state on reconnect, but that does seem on the extreme end for you. What isp do you use?

I’ll need to check on that missing string table entry, as I haven’t seen that issue (it might be tracked on the team, but I just hadn’t heard it). At what point in the reconnect does that pop up? Is it pre loading screen, on the loading screen, in the map, etc?

almost 4 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

Originally posted by terminbee

I'm using Sparklight in Missouri.

I can launch the game normally and the loading screen is fine. It's only once I get into game (the map I guess) that this happens (says it in the chat box). At times, it displays everyone's ping as -1 and it jumps between 0% and 100% packet loss. Most recently (yesterday right before patch), everyone had ~30 ping but I just couldn't move. I can see my character's hands but not the gun; can't move or look around. Even when the next round starts, I'm stuck on the last round, with the timer ticking down very slowly and occasionally ticking up. Didn't have the missing string table entry message though.

Weirdest part is once the game ends, I can play the next game perfectly fine, as if nothing ever happened. It doesn't happen often- once every maybe 15-20 games or so.

I’ll have to check what peering we have set up on the riot direct side. It does sound like connection issues but I’ll need to follow up on that error. This info’s helpful!

almost 4 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

Originally posted by terminbee

Very well might be, thanks for checking on it. I just think it's weird since my internet is fine for every other application besides valorant.

It's more how that isp connects to our particular set of game servers. Depending on where you're getting routed to, they may take you halfway across the country and then back to get to servers that aren't too far from you. Do you notice this occurring most regularly when you're queuing with friends?