almost 4 years ago - The Valorant Team - Direct link

Kill and race the opposition through a cycle of different weapons and abilities, advancing together as a team through 12 Escalation levels. First team to finish level 12, or the furthest along in 10 minutes, wins the Escalation.

This is a team mode, but expect to do your part to complete each level. In addition to helping your team earn the points needed to complete each level, you must also get at least 1 kill with each weapon/ability to progress yourself, even if your team is already on a higher Escalation level.



  • 5v5 game mode
  • 12 Escalation levels (each level has a specific weapon or ability)
    • First team to 12, or furthest along in 10 minutes, wins
    • Team together must earn 7 points on a level to advance to the next level
      • A kill on the current level earns 1 point
      • A kill on a previous level earns .5 points
  • Each player has an individual weapon level they’re working to complete
    • You’ll have to earn at least 1 kill on a weapon to unlock the next weapon level
    • The team can still advance Escalation levels if you’re on an older weapon level
    • Example: Your team can be level 4 but you can still be “stuck” with the level 1 weapon (let’s say the Vandal), until you get 1 kill with that weapon. Then you’ll progress to the level 2 weapon, not directly to level 4.
  • Games run for about 7–9 minutes
  • No Agent-specific abilities based on your character select choice, only the standard abilities that all players will see throughout the match (see Loadout section below)
  • Fast respawns (invulnerable for first 5 seconds)


Level 1: Always either Raze’s Showstopper or Vandal/Phantom

Level 2: Always Vandal or Phantom.

Levels 3–11: Assorted weapons and abilities

Level 12: Possible Shorty, Classic, Knife, Shock Dart...or even the Snowball Launcher 

Health: Every death drops a health pack that expires after 10 seconds


Take part, and you’ll get 800 XP for each completed match, add an extra 200 XP when you pull off a win.


This one’s on the limited time block for now. We’re always evolving our game mode offerings depending on how you respond. But for now, jump in so you don’t miss out.