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After a lot of searching, I've discovered the root of the issue with why players are unable to get Riot Vanguard to work as of the past 24 hours.

A patch was pushed that updates the kernal-level driver for Vanguard (vgk) from to After the patch, the system level service for Vanguard (vgc) no longer starts, whether manually or by Valorant during boot up. Regardless of how many times you attempt to re-install it, if will always install the new version and will remain broken.

It's worth noting the symptoms are identical to previous issues with Vanguard, which is misleading for many people as solutions have been posted in the past and they will no longer work. The service is installed, but it cannot be started.

This is not an issue with your machine or installation, likely a bug with the new version.

I'm going to send an email to Riot support with any information needed, whether it's system logs, dxdiag dumps, or anything else of relevance, but I was able to reproduce it on multiple machines. For now if this is an issue you're having, sit tight and don't pull your hair out because other solutions aren't working.

You can use a program called DriverView to check the version of vgk that you have, but I believe the patch is being pushed to everyone and there's not much you can do to stop it, so we may just have to wait.

EDIT: Learned that this is not actually happening to everyone. In fact, only a minority, but still enough to be considered widespread. I've done thorough testing on every variable I can think of to no avail. Thank you for all of your data and input though, every little bit helps even if it's just "works for me" that's still data. I have tried all of the solutions mentioned in these comments, and the comments of every thread I've found on this subreddit, and I've dug through a baker's dozen. I'll update this with any more information, but I've given up. Beyond re-installing Windows or waiting, there is no solution in sight.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotArkem - Direct link

Hey everyone, the latest version of Vanguard won't run if it detects vulnerable or out of date drivers on your computer.

If you run "sigverif" it will give you a list of unsigned components that could be preventing Vanguard from starting. Any driver (.sys file) on that list should be updated or removed.

I strongly discourage y'all from trying to mix and match Vanguard components across versions as this could cause system instability and looks a lot like cheating to our servers.

More discussion in this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/g3m5p7/vanguard_anticheat_not_enabling/

Edit: One thing I forgot to mention here or in the other thread is that there are some drivers that will pass sigverif but are still considered untrusted. The most common one is a vulnerable Gigabyte driver (commonly used by ransomware and cheats) known as gdrv.sys. Definitely recommend removing that driver!

Some of the software packages that installed the driver are:





If you have any of those make sure you're running the latest version.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotArkem - Direct link

Originally posted by clorster

What if everything is up to date when you run sigverif? And it still doesnt work?

Check for gdrv.sys (see my edit) and if that doesn't work I recommend a support ticket

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotArkem - Direct link

Originally posted by ambivalent_teapot

Okay, but what do we do if this is a driver that we actually need really badly? The only driver that sigverif finds for me is a driver for my graphics tablet, which is the official and latest version of that driver, and which I need to have my tablet working.

As long as the driver isn't loaded the game should run, so one thing you could try is to unplug the tablet and then be able to play the game.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotArkem - Direct link

Originally posted by Altimor

I strongly discourage y'all from trying to mix and match Vanguard components across versions as this could cause system instability and looks a lot like cheating to our servers.

Why let people connect with an out of date Vanguard at all?

We like to give a short grace period during an update so that people who are in game when the update goes live aren't disconnected. Also, seeing who connects with an old version is very useful information.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotK3o - Direct link

Originally posted by inb4Downvoted

Why are you telling non technical end users to delete system files on their home computers?

It's why it's best to troubleshoot these things through Support, so the issue can be pinpointed and handled in a safe manner. I do have assistance to help safely remove these programs. Incompatibility is a standard part of Software Troubleshooting. I would not recommend people going into their system files and deleting things random things and hoping it'll work.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotK3o - Direct link

Originally posted by solMachina

Hope you don't mind me sending you my ticket number as well. I've been detailing every step of the process I've attempted to remedy this issue, myself. I tried reading the provided logs to get more verbose details than "Error 1" but they're encoded.

No problem! Working on a good bit of em right now so there may be some delay but will get to them ASAP.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotK3o - Direct link

Originally posted by Theo_Choq

I don't seem to have VBoxUSBMon.sys in my drivers yet it still doesn't work. Any ideas?

There are other vulnerable drivers that could cause it. If you could zip up the Logs in C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\Logs , and send to me through preferred file sharing service in a direct message, I can assist you.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotK3o - Direct link

Originally posted by Sigv1

I’m fine with having vanguard on my computer. I’m fine with updating/removing drivers to meet vanguards requirements. I’m fine with waiting for a solution to this. The only thing that bothers me is the fact that this is not being acknowledged on a larger scale. Make a twitter post, put it on the client. A simple statement saying that you know about the issue and are working on a solution can save people countless hours browsing reddit as-well as stopping misinformation being spread.

Agreed with you that this is a worthy pain point. We'll work on an easier way to see these issues. I've been adding issues I encounter here to guides Player Support can use, so they can help players faster in troubleshooting. I'll see what can be done in adding more visibility. You're right - even though this is not massively widespread, we can do better in letting players know.

Thanks for much for toughing it out and thank you for your feedback. It's not PR stuff when I say that getting to have this direct, instant feedback and troubleshooting, has, and will be, very helpful.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotK3o - Direct link

Originally posted by Snowolf

Are there any issues with VirtualBox if the USB driver isn't installed? Not seeing ti in the list, and not seeing any unsigned drivers anywhere, yet experiencing this issue :(

There can certainly be other things that can cause it. I'd recommend making a ticket, and uploading the Vanguard logs. If you DM me the Ticket #, I can review it on a more expedited schedule.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotK3o - Direct link

Originally posted by kartios

Seems legit, just delete some sys files.

Get this intrusive software out of the game. This is absolutely ridiculous. There are already so many issues that I have zero faith in the security of this driver. What are you guys waiting for, millions of users to get pwned? Just do it now before it's too late.

Edit: can you also explain why this file has to be deleted? Why should we be deleting virtualbox drivers for your driver to work? Without an explanation this is even more ridiculous than I previously stated.


Here's a good example of using VirtualBox drivers to defeat driver signing. Not only has this been used in cheats in other games, it's been used in cheats in VALORANT.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotK3o - Direct link

Originally posted by kartios

As much as I can appreciate your support as someone who has been in a similar role as you, it doesn't look good for a random Riot employee to be instructing people to delete System32 drivers without any explanation or acknowledgement from Riot itself. Why should some random virtualbox USB driver be affecting Vanguard? What happened to not scanning hardware?

I responded about the VirtualBox USB in another comment, but on the second point, these actions aren't contradictory to anything we've stated, or announced in our Security policies: https://www.riotgames.com/en/news/a-message-about-vanguard-from-our-security-privacy-teams . All these troubleshooting measures, and reasonings have not only been said on Reddit by Riot Employees, but are being shared with support.

I agree with you, Reddit is a limited scope. While it's more than what most say about the definites of Anti-Cheat vectors, I agree players would be benefited from a faster, easier way to troubleshoot and assess their issues.

I'll work harder as Closed Beta progresses to communicate better, and we will keep aspiring to be industry leaders in the Anti-Cheat space in our communication and transparency.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotArkem - Direct link

Originally posted by PresTronPaul

This is a rather frustrating user experience. If Vanguard goes from working to not, and the path to resolution is opening a ticket and being told what to remove, then Riot should cut out the middle man and just have Vanguard instruct the user as to what is "untrusted". Security by obscurity is usually not helpful, but in the anticheat case where the client is untrusted, but to play the game their inputs have to at some point be trusted, it makes sense to have the anticheat functionality not be clear.

As someone who does non-work development on their own machine (I run WSL2, have a yubikey, etc) I'm very concerned by the fact there seems to be some drivers that Riot sees as bad actors, but have valid use cases (ie VirtualBox). While this game is currently provided for free, I am investing time into it. It would be (and currently is) very frustrating if that time ended up being "wasted" if Riot thinks the way I use my computer isn't one they want to support. It is especially frustrating since the software isn't up front about why it has decided to stop trusting my machine.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll see what we can do to make this a better experience.

VirtualBox isn't considered bad itself just that one of its drivers has a known security vulnerability. Exploiting the security vulnerability could be used as a privilege escalation to install an unsigned cheat driver. Even if you don't want to play Valorant I recommend removing that driver.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotK3o - Direct link

Originally posted by Juuhonber

Removing "VBoxUSBMon.sys" did it for me.

Awesome. Good to know. We're tracking these and assessing our strategy.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotK3o - Direct link

Originally posted by lazulilord

It’s a f**king videogame. Your anticheat doesn’t need to be this extreme, and there are already cheats for Valorant that are working, blatant aimbots and wallhacks. Why are you really doing this?

The goal is to provide an elite, subscription level Anti-Cheat for players. We're constantly assessing how we're handling this, and are being flexible and finding our best solutions as Closed Beta progresses, but that's the ultimate goal. That's why we're really doing this. Our goal is to have a game that has a sustainable, strong Anti-Cheat, over the course of not just a few months, but the game's whole lifecycle.

This is why we're going on forums, being open with what we're looking for, which is extremely uncommon in the Anti-Cheat industry. Community feedback, positive and negative, help shape our strategy.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotK3o - Direct link

Originally posted by AlexRaidz

None of this worked for me

If you could make a ticket to Player Support, and upload your Vanguard Logs (C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\Logs), and direct message me the number of that Ticket, I can look into it on a more expedited manner.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotK3o - Direct link

Originally posted by WeinernaRyder

That is some crazy gaslighting by calling that uncommon in the industry.

The reality here is that negative feedback is not shaping anything... you’re doubling and tripling down.

You're right in that it does come off pretty gaslighty, my apologies. I understand players issues are with us, and it's irrelevant to bring up other companies. you're right.

The point I am trying to make is that we're legitimately constantly assessing our best steps. It's why engagement has been important to us.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotArkem - Direct link

Originally posted by Albatronic

These recommended solutions did not work for me, however, thanks to this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRgVP7T1z_I , I was able to get the game to work. As shown in the video, I had to disable the Sonic Studio Virtual Mixer driver and reboot my machine.

Keep in mind, this driver did not show up when using sigverif. Also, my copy of windows 10 and my other device drivers are completely up to date.

Thank you for the report, I'm glad it's working for you again but I'm sorry that it was so much trouble!

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotK3o - Direct link

Originally posted by villa277

None of this worked for me, also if this is a known issue why is it not listed in the support page? I mean if it can solve it for so many people why not list it in the support page for everyone that doesn't use reddit?

Working on getting these things published and localized

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotK3o - Direct link

Originally posted by joshyfps

can i delete asmtufdriver.sys or will it cause problems?

I can't officially endorse removal of Software that I'm not a subject matter expert on. I'd like to make it clear that the things I've recommended are bandaid fixes, and we're working on greater compatibility layers that should be coming relatively shortly.

I have had players who have removed it without any issue, but I cannot speak for every device regarding this. If you remove this, please do so at your own discretion.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotK3o - Direct link

Originally posted by villa277

Oh well, I hope it gets solved as soon as possible. I get that it is a beta and errors are expected. I'm just sad because I got to play the game (and expend some money) and this error suddenly started happening. I will be looking for fixes on reddit anyway. At least you are actually talking and solving problems and being as transparent as possible about it which is better than many developers!.

I certainly get the pain - we're also working on compatibility fixes. Thank you so much for your patience and I understand how frustrating it is to have this, then it's taken away.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotArkem - Direct link

Originally posted by toastteaaa1

(VBoxUSBMon.sys) this is not in my system and I ran sigverif to no avail. everything is clean. Please help, everything ran smoothly today until my internet cut out. then after that it kept saying I had to reboot my PC in order to install Vanguard. Even though I have it! I tried reinstalling it too and rebooted my PC 10 times but nothing works. I'm not a big computer guy, all I know is how to play games. I love riot and their games but this whole anti-cheat is a bit over the top. I understand that you want the best anti-cheats but to the avg consumer it just becomes too much work. I would still like some help though!

Sorry to hear about your issues!

Some other software that sometimes causes problems are:

  • Comodo Internet Security Essentials
  • AMD Graphics Driver Pixel Clock Patcher
  • Aomei Backupper

It's not a complete list but there are some more. If this doesn't help I recommend a support ticket, they'll be able to look at your logs and figure out more specifically what's going on.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotK3o - Direct link

Originally posted by NaabKing

My problem (i guess) is with "nvcpl.dll" (from runing "sigverif" it shows me that dll file only), but that is from Nvidia Control Panel, which i CAN'T? (i'm guessing it's important, since it's from Nvidia) remove, i updated to the latest drivers (i only install drivers without GeForce experience) for my GPU tho (GTX 1080ti) and it didn't help, so i'm lost here now, i can't do anything anymore, since i don't have "VBoxUSBMon.sys" file in my system32/drivers folder also.

Name - Modified - Versionnvcpl.dll - 25.02.2020 -

What can i do? =/

Could you DM me with your logs from C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\Logs ? Compatibility changes are coming soon, but I'd still like to make sure your issue will be covered.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotK3o - Direct link

Originally posted by Bobbyjoemcgeek

i fixed asmtufdriver.sys issue by going to asus driver tools website (https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/Z87PRO/HelpDesk_Download/) then selecting windows 8.1 64 bit as my OS, despite my OS being windows 10 64 bit. Then going to USB drivers, downloading "ASMedia_U3_FW_update" and running it

Great! Hopefully more people this. These drivers are only being disabled because they're unsigned and spurned by Secure Boot versions of Windows (yes, including VirtualBox to the downvote brigade, new versions do not have this issue), we're not stopping safe software!

We're still working on compatibility fixes, but it's great to hear that updates can fix a lot of these issues.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotArkem - Direct link

Originally posted by ReySheppard

anything new? i am worried about my gpu when its under load(gpu fans and heat)

You should be able to run the latest versions of the software I mentioned above, I mention them just because an old version came with a driver that has a privilege escalation vulnerability. The latest versions have discontinued that driver.

We don't specifically have anything against fan management drivers (or any other type of drivers) so hopefully the latest drivers for your GPU and motherboard should work fine with Vanguard.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotK3o - Direct link

Originally posted by ShadonicX7543

Can I send you my support ticket number so you can help with my problem as well?


almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotArkem - Direct link

Originally posted by lzisded

Hi Arkem, sorry for replying to a week old comment but Vanguard blocks gdrv.sys on boot and I can't access my computer's fans anymore, which means things could get too hot. Everything was working fine up until today. Any idea how to stop this from happening?

If your worried I definitely recommend uninstalling Vanguard.

gdrv.sys is being used by cheat developers to load cheats and ransomware to take over computers which is why we block it.

The latest version of your fan control software should work without needing the gdrv.sys driver.