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I got kuronami vandal today and i bought it and my Jett was asking for it each round when we were full buying and i gladly gave it to her everytime she asked, she was so happy and sweet that i wasn't even feeling bad for not playing it myself lmao I just love making someone else happy with a stupid thing like giving people a skin when they can't afford them/don't have them it's just so wholesome for me idk She told me i made her day doing that and i am so glad :))

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6 months ago - /u/Riot_Preeti - Direct link

I love dropping skins for people too, especially whent they want me to try their skin! I'll even do it for the enemy in Unrated if we call a truce and meet mid to swap skins.

6 months ago - /u/Riot_Preeti - Direct link

Originally posted by TaylorPlatinum

What do you do if they break the truce?

I make a sadface emoji in chat and call them a traitor. Tbh usually they’re cool and it’s their teammate who ruins it.