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Tonight me and my friends (Silver/Gold elo) played a super tight comp game and decided to draw because the enemy Kayo was so good. Load out of the match and we see that the enemy team had an immortal, diamond, and iron. How is this even possible?


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about 2 years ago - /u/EvrMoar - Direct link

Originally posted by Alky314

The Elo system used behind the ranks is the reasoning. Basically everyone has a elo score (linked within Valorant to a rank). If you have the elo of 2 players (in this case 2 teams), you can compute the probability of victory based on the difference of Elo. So immo vs Gold have the same probability of victory that Gold vs iron (very high of course)

The community learning about MMR makes me so proud /wipesawaytear

about 2 years ago - /u/EvrMoar - Direct link


It's pointed out in this thread but 5 stacks play against 5 stacks and it will always try to find the fairest match it can for these groups. Because we allow all ranks to queue together in 5 stacks that means your matchmaking can get kinda wild in terms of ranked spread in these matches.

(I have to say, before I get the comments that people have issues with the matchmaker, we are always trying to improve it and get better. We really want people to feel like they can play ranked with their friends, and 5 stacks having no ranked restrictions is such an awesome space to do it. Our data shows our 5 stack matchmaking is extremely accurate, and that's awesome! I love to see people queueing together at different ranks, playing with their friends; one of the biggest reasons people smurf is just to play with friends. Again this is not an excuse or invalidating anyone's feedback/issues with matchmaking. I love this community, we all have our opinions on ranked, I just hope we can keep finding fair matches for these groups of people that want to play ranked.)

about 2 years ago - /u/EvrMoar - Direct link

Originally posted by jonathancyu

I’m trying to get into the game dev industry, where did you start?

My advice is to make mods, or download unreal and start doing some tutorials! Most designers need engine experience and have an idea of how to implement game features. If you don't/can't get a degree I would go the QA route and try to get into an entry level position(be warned QA can be a pretty rough experience and I'm not a huge fan of how they are treated in the industry as a whole).

I would then look at universities that offer Computer Science or Game Dev degrees. Personally, I'm not a fan of Full Sail, but they've gotten better since I entered the industry(I actually really like digipen; I would probably avoid smaller no-name private colleges). Honestly if you are driven, actually apply yourself to learn a game engine, you can make it; it just takes a lot of work, possibly some failures, but that's all part of the journey and learning!

If you are more art driven obviously you can look for 3D art style degrees, but I'm super unfamiliar with that space.