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over 3 years ago - /u/RiotK3o - Direct link

Originally posted by Hardtopickaname

One of the first new efforts is to discipline players who queue with cheaters, or as we can colloquially call it, “ride the cheat bus on the highway to hell.”

I can understand the motivation here, but Riot could end up punishing players for not recognizing cheating. Potentially, I could have a game with someone cheating and just think that they're really good. If I party up with them for a few more games, I'm going to be punished for it through no fault of my own. Not saying this is likely, but it is possible.

Hey there,

We're really targeting concerted boosting services here, where the results are pretty distinct. Precision is a massive priority in these actions.

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotK3o - Direct link

Originally posted by NickxWins

Does this mean if it’s over a certain amount of games queued together, they get temp banned?

I can't be too explicit on how the system works but it is based on multiple factors, not just a certain amount of games played with a cheater.

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotK3o - Direct link

Originally posted by SEND_ME_UR_DRAMA

I do really like what you're cooking, it is a much welcome effort by your team to address the rampant cheating, but I hope legitimate non-cheating players who happen to be unknowingly queued up with a cheater who ended up getting banned as well should be able to properly appeal their bans and have them lifted.

My friend's partymate for instance got banned in the game for allegedly using cheats where in fact it was the enemy team who was doing it. They appealed it to your support team but unfortunately the ban stayed, even though they can really prove that they weren't using any cheats.

We make sure to try to have these systems in a good place. I work as the lead for the review team, so if we're not hitting the mark, that's on me. Would you mind DMing your friends name+tag (and preferably ticket #) so I can look into this?

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotK3o - Direct link

Originally posted by mrbow

Whats your Precision / Recall / F1 threshold?

ROC curves are secret, but our philosophy has always been precision first, recall second. Obviously the goal is both!