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What happened to the Sydney 2 Server? Hopped on yesterday and couldn't see it, and I haven't been able to find any info online about what happened. Is it gone for good, or just down for now?

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over 3 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by Frozoken

don't think there's any statement on it yet. could be to increase players on one server for the end of the season when less people are playing. could be down for good. could just be having maintenance done in it as valorant sydney has had a shit ton of problems recently. hopefully it's temporary as sydney 1 is horrible and I'm guessing it is due to the lack of any statement from riot.

Please provide details on what you mean by horrible.

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by 4dzilla

Yeh it disappeared about a week or so ago and then most games I played on Sydney 1 had 150-180 ping which is not even worth playing on.

It did a quick update a day or so ago and my ping has been usual 50 since then, not sure what’s going on but appreciate the normal ping!

Couldn’t find anything online about it either

Which ISP are you using and where are you playing from?

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by Cosmohnaut

It's been MIA since last week, no certainty on the reasoning.

Pretty frustrating as more often then not, I'll get put in games with 4x the ping, which wasn't as frequent when Sydney 2 was online.

Hope riot let's us know so we can understand if or when it's coming back.

You should in theory have much less chance of a game with 4x ping as the players you can match with wont be split across both Sydney locations, giving a greater pool of players with Sydney 1 as their best performing location.

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by HanimeAddict768

Is sydney 2 permanently removed? I personally get perfectly fine ping, but it would be good to know for others. I have a mate who lives in NZ and he usually gets 70ping on syd 2 and 30 on syd 1 but now its just random (could be confirmation bias though im just passing on info)

They’re the exact same servers in the same location with different network configurations. Sydney 1 should provide the same responses consistently. If it isn’t then we can take a look at your ISP and how they’re routing to us.

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by 4dzilla

I’m on Vodafone and playing from NZ.

I’d never had ping issues before until Sydney 2 disappeared, then it was instantly 120-180 ping for 95% of the games.

In saying that I didn’t have any issues yesterday (a small update was done, possibly just coincidence?), ping was usual 50-60, so hopefully whatever was going on is sorted!

I do remember an issue the first evening Sydney 2 was shutdown that was resolved the following morning. It was causing some folks to be placed on Tokyo or Singapore during peak time.

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by TheZedMan610

I play on west coast in Aus, Syd 2 is consistently 5~10 ping lower than Syd 1.

I don’t think that hits the bar for horrible — which ISP are you with? The issue here is there are multiple different transmission paths across the country and some are shorter in length so they’re faster. Depending on the provider we may be able to do something to get that performance on par.

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by DontGetGotGooG

i live in western Australia.... (sydney 2) i got 51 ping in game, and (sydney 1) 67 ping in game please explain how the servers are in the same location,then why such a huge ping difference.

i have fibre to premise 250 down 40 up.

what a piss weak response ....... ''If it isn’t then we can take a look at your ISP and how they’re routing to us''

there is only 1 way to route, 1 under sea cable from sydney to perth, on the valorant competitive reddit there is plenty of people complaining if its this wide spread how is it our ISP's

for a game was marketed as having no peakers advantage.... no ping advantage this is a joke. playing on 67 ping vs 0 to 40 ping players in eastern states its unplayable there is no hit reg

There are three major terrestrial routes from Perth to Sydney and one undersea cable. The submarine one is not the fastest. There are also many more than one ways to route packets over the Internet, even inside Australia.

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by DontGetGotGooG

i just did tracert and i get 52 ping, and in game its 66 ping, is it visual glitch ? might be in stats not working properly

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

2 1 ms 1 ms <1 ms

3 38 ms 7 ms 5 ms Loopback1.bng01-sbb-1william-per.au.superloop.com []

4 6 ms 6 ms 6 ms bundle-ether13-100.bdr01-ipt-1william-per.au.superloop.net.co []

5 51 ms 52 ms 51 ms hundredgige0-0-1-3.bdr01-ipt-4millros-per.au.superloop.net.co []

6 52 ms 52 ms 52 ms hundredgige0-0-1-2-126.bdr01-ipt-4edenpar-syd.au.superloop.net.co []

7 52 ms 52 ms 52 ms as6507.sydney.megaport.com []

8 * * * Request timed out.

Superloop use Indigo Central (the submarine one) to get from Perth to Sydney and the network round-trip there is about 46.8ms for that segment.

The in-game ping will be adding the client render-time to the number so it's always going to be higher than the network number. I need to chat with some of the folks on the development side who are a little more in the weeds on the specifics here but the article here talks a bit about it: https://technology.riotgames.com/news/peeking-valorants-netcode -- a higher framerate will help bring this number down in-game but the network ping you see when you're running those traceroutes etc is the number that my team can work to influence. My team being the network engineering one that runs Riot's global network infrastructure and work on these issues around the world.

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by TheZedMan610

It's not horrible per se, but when I'm trying to compete with the east coast players who average 25 ping, anything is better. I'm with Telstra, and I play in Perth, if that helps.

Telstra solution is in the works but is realistically probably going to take us a few weeks to get implemented (we will have some paperwork to sign once the details are ironed out, people will need to do some work on both sides, equipment will need to arrive in Perth from the COVID capital of Australia etc).

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by --Shin--

Does this mean there will be a server in Perth?

No there wont be a server in Perth. There will be network equipment to try and capture your traffic locally and send it over to our other equipment in Sydney on the shortest path we can find.

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by Frozoken

would this be for telstra users only or all perth users? thanks for taking your time to respond to so many people

Initially just Telstra so that we can prove the concept but the intention will be to capture as many players from WA as we can at this point. Every step of this will require the cooperation of ISPs since it'll be new interconnects and we're building in a location where they all have common presence to try and avoid any air gaps.

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by nomgnu

u/RiotKorensky Could you possibly provide an IP address for the Sydney server so that I could run a cmd prompt ping test for a few minutes prior to starting up a comp game?

We don't unfortunately as there are layers of proxy equipment you need to traverse before your traffic goes to a game container. The best way to check your ping if you get variance at peak would be to jump into a practice range. I'm on Telstra in NSW and have pretty high reliability 24/7 on an NBN service. If you are seeing differing performance throughout the day, we have metrics from league of legends at www.lagreport.com that you can use to see if it's similar for your ISP and location. These are normalized to remove variance from things like local wireless issues and are a good indicator of your ISP performance to Riot.

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by Chanandler8ong10

Is there a reason that I’m getting 20% packet loss in about a third of my games? It last the whole match and in those matches my teammates say they’re getting it too.

If you're on Optus - yes. We just found something on our interconnect with them and we'll have it fixed today, even if we turn it off for a while and your ping goes up slightly.