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i saw that you cant change team roster but you could if it doesnt affect the teams division so i kicked a plat 1 and wanted to invite my g3 friend instead it sais this player is outside of your team's skill range and cannot be invited. so i said oh thats fine ill just reinvite the plat and it said the same message. why is this?
(for context our team was plat 1, g3, g2-1(keep deranking and ranking),2 silvers) thats the main 5 and we had a bronze and a 3rd silver cuz we didnt know anyone else but they never played but shouldnt matter since devision is based on highest 5

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11 months ago - /u/RiotTuxedo - Direct link

This is a limitation of the current system :( we know it's not great and we have plans to fix this. We're trying to find the right time to fix this the right way instead of a bandaid fix. Essentially your team is seeded off your competitive rank so if your team continues to play in compet you won't reseed into the same division regardless of if you have the same players.

10 months ago - /u/RiotTuxedo - Direct link

Originally posted by Any-Pepper-3513

Random question how does the play offs work on April 28 because we might be the only team to qualify in our division

If you're the only person in queue for your division, you won't get a tournament but we'll grant winner rewards for you in the week following.