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I played a tournament yesterday, it was streamed on twitch.

My teammate noticed that on the top right corner it shows how many spectators are looking at your screen, so when ever the streamers were spectating him, he knew there was some action bound to happen.

I notified to tournament organizers, but told them that there is nothing they can really do about it since it's obvious that the stream needs to focus on the action anyway.

Would be nice to either:

1- get rid of that completely, just show total amount of spectator in the game somewhere in the scoreboard without giving out information of who they are spectating.

2- have an option to remove that when creating the game.

Riot is already aware and will fix this in an upcoming patch:

Fancypmcgee81 points·1 hour ago

Hey JAM1B! Thanks for the report! We're aware and have a fix for this planned! We know it can provide information and compromise competitive integrity for the match. We're absolutely floored by how quickly folks have started organizing and running tournaments where this was impactful.

We have a fix planned for an upcoming patch so it won't be a problem once that goes out. Thanks!

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Fancypmcgee - Direct link

Hey JAM1B! Thanks for the report! We're aware and have a fix for this planned! We know it can provide information and compromise competitive integrity for the match. We're absolutely floored by how quickly folks have started organizing and running tournaments where this was impactful.

We have a fix planned for an upcoming patch so it won't be a problem once that goes out. Thanks!

almost 5 years ago - /u/Fancypmcgee - Direct link

Originally posted by JAM1B


Love the game :)

Really glad you're enjoying it :D it's been super surreal and gratifying to see real players playing it!

almost 5 years ago - /u/Fancypmcgee - Direct link

Originally posted by fleta336

Yea I’m shocked that riot overlooked this

To be clear, this was an issue we knew about, but we didn't expect folks to spin up tournaments where it was impactful this quickly. That doesn't change the impact, but we knew this existed, we just didn't have time to fix it before we launched our closed beta.

We will always be working to fix and improve our game, as we won't always get it right the first time. And that's why community feedback is so important to us! Ultimately, we only have so many development hours, and we do our best to prioritize the right things. Sometimes though, we get it wrong! And while we try not to, the good news is that we have a lot of chances to improve over the long haul :)

almost 5 years ago - /u/Fancypmcgee - Direct link

Originally posted by Prodigal2k

Please add a forfeit option. My last 5 games were ruined by leavers. I beg of you, free me from the chains of unenjoyable games.

We know the experience down 4 v 5 isn't great, and we're looking at all of our options to improve it. Hopefully the ult orb + other AFK/leaver compensation helps. Some of those systems are still work in progress, but we know that can feel frustrating. I don't know what solutions will be realistic, and ultimately achieve our goals, but that team is actively trying to figure it out. Sorry I can't give a more concrete answer.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Fancypmcgee - Direct link

Originally posted by Prodigal2k

Don’t feel bad at all. I really appreciate all that you guys have done. It honestly is really fun and you guys did a great job. I know that especially with the outbreak, it isn’t the easiest for you guys to be working on the beta and I’m sure with the full release you will have a working solution. I really appreciate the response though, very well written and clear. As a business student, mad respect. Thanks for taking the time out to respond to me.

Thanks for playing our game :)

almost 5 years ago - /u/Fancypmcgee - Direct link

Originally posted by Crypervescent

Quick off topic question, will there be a mmr reset after release or before competitive playlist goes live? I would assume so but just want to make sure.

Nothing that I have the information to answer concretely right now, sorry. We will have additional communication coming, but I can't confirm or deny anything. Sorry :(

almost 5 years ago - /u/Fancypmcgee - Direct link

Originally posted by fleta336

Why not just disable the feature entirely for now?

Disabling observer slots would solve the issue, but would stop anyone from running tournaments or in houses with viewers...and ultimately, that feels worse than giving additional information to players.

Turning off the spectator count which provides a lot of tension and excitement as you see the number tick off when you're sitting in a 1 v 2 trying to clutch is a fairly high cost, and I'm not intimately familiar with the tech, so I don't know how feasible it would be to do quickly.

Hopefully the overall value of having a spectator count, and the way it can make your exciting moments of VALORANT that much more exciting offsets the fairly rare use case of additional information in tournament or custom game play. And when the fix is live, it won't be a problem at all!

almost 5 years ago - /u/Fancypmcgee - Direct link

Originally posted by fleta336

Fair enough. In my mind it wasn’t worth the trade off but the volume is far bigger of people playing and not watching tournaments

Making prioritization calls is REALLY hard, and there's a lot that goes into it. It's part art, part science, part black magic, and I'm not going to pretend that we'll always make the right calls. These are just some of the things we have to consider for any of our development choices, so hopefully, over the long term, we get more of them right than wrong, and make a game that folks really enjoy!