6 months
ago -
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | let's talk about the rank reset on |
2s | valerant Console you all have blown away |
4s | our expectations with how skilled you |
6s | really are and it's been awesome to |
8s | watch you play match after match in our |
10s | console beta before the beta we had to |
12s | make some assumptions about who would |
14s | join how many hours you'd play and how |
17s | quickly you develop your skills and |
18s | since all of you blew past our skill |
21s | projections we've been seeing some |
22s | pretty big inconsistencies in our ranks |
25s | across valerant console to resolve this |
28s | we'll be performing a reset of |
29s | competitive console ranks as we go into |
31s | launch after the reset We'll be asking |
33s | players to participate in new placement |
35s | matches in order to better identify |
37s | their new rank now there's a very likely |
39s | chance your new rank will be lower than |
41s | it was before and that's to be expected |
43s | With The Changes we've made in order to |
45s | even out the populations in each rank |
47s | we're excited to see you embark on your |
49s | road to radiant on Console we'll see you |
51s | in the cu's and good luck on your games |