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Title, pretty much.

The Battle Pass is just 1,000 points and through playing the game you can unlock so, so, so much value worth of stuff. I'm not the most competitive player but incentives like this are what make me think I'll come to a game. It's not always the case but it's a big help for me in a game like Valorant that is naturally intense but also where flair stands out a lot.

I never bought points in the game during the Beta for one simple reason: I didn't see value-for-money in what was being sold.

But this Battlepass?

Like, are you kidding? It's so good.

I almost feel like a dumbass for not believing Riot would do a good job monetising this game. Stellar job.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Thanks so much fam :) We wanted the Battle Pass to be just that: insane player value, especially for the players who invest so much time in our game. And it makes me really happy to know that it feels exactly that way for you :)

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Preeti - Direct link

What u/aneia said! Thank you so much for saying something so nice! <3 I'm so glad you like the battlepass content. What's your most-wanted item in the current pass?

almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Preeti - Direct link

Originally posted by Sita093016

I had to look through again to think about it but then I remembered. It has to be Dot Exe Ghost. It looks phenomenal! Not to say they all don't, but that Ghost is just so thematically gorgeous!

Mind if I ask if there are some issues with Unlocks at the moment? I just hit Tier 10 on the Battlepass and can equip the Couture Bulldog, but I still can't equip the Kingdom Spectre at Tier 5. Relogging hasn't helped. Just want to know if I'm the only one or not, I'm not in a hurry for the rewards haha.

Thanks for the wonderful game and keep up the excellent work! :D

You're not the only one! The team has seen a few reports of this issue and they're working on a fix now. They're getting a message out soon! Thanks for not getting mad--mistakes happen and we're absolutely want to fix it!

I love that you like the Dot Exe Ghost! I'm partial to the Vandal in that set, but only because I will earn the Omen Ghost eventually so that'll be my go-to Ghost skin. ;)

almost 4 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by Twigler

Just curious, what was the reasoning behind not providing funds to purchase the next battle pass if you complete this premium one? It is definitely worth the $10 even if I have to rebuy the next one, but I believe every other pass across other games allows you to purchase the next pass for free.

I actually wasn't a part of the team when this particular decision was made! So I can't speak to that unfortunately :(

almost 4 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by Twigler

No problem, could you point me in the direction of who I could ask please? Thanks!

PWYFF (who's tagged as a dev) would be the person to ask! He's one of our comms folks too.